Page 77 of Savage Lovers

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“I’m not sure. Probably…”

“Perhaps you could suggest she doesn’t delay. Mrs Lowison is…very poorly.”

“How long?” I demand.

“I really can’t tell you that. I’m sorry. If you could just explain to Miss Lowison that it’s urgent…”

“I will.”

“Or if she wants to phone me, I could explain to her…”

“Yes, of course. I’ll tell her that. Thank you for letting us know.”

“Goodbye then, Mr…?”

“Morgan,” I reply. “Goodbye.”

I’m halfwayup the main stairs. I pause. What will I say when I get there?

Willowfield rang. Your mother’s dying, not expected to see out the day. Sorry to have to tell you that, but you see…

No. Fuck that. I’ve got to do better than this. And an idea has occurred to me. It might just work…

I swivel on my heel and head back down the stairs at a run. I drag out my phone again and bring up my speed dial, then hit Magda’s number.

“Where are you?” I demand the moment she answers.

“On my way back, just done the school run.”

Thank God. She’s on the mainland, at least. “How soon can you pick me up?”

“Ten minutes okay?”

This is one of the things I like about our chopper pilot. She doesn’t ask pointless questions.

“It’ll do. I’ll see you on the front lawn.” I hang up.

“Going somewhere?” Tony emerges from the stairs leading down to the cells, a smug grin on his face.

Rome is with him and looks pretty pleased with himself as well.

“Caraksay,” I reply. “Can’t stop.”

“Fair enough. But if you see Ethan, tell him I’m sending him a consignment.”

“What consignment?”

“That little shit you collected for me has an interesting tale to tell. It’s something I think Ethan will want to hear first-hand so I’ve decided to send Fuller over to the island.”

“Oh. Okay.” I’m not sure why he thinks I need to know this. If Tony has decided he needs to involve Ethan, he’s probably right. Then the operative word registers. “When you say ‘consignment…?”

“He’ll be in a crate, nailed up. He’s not feeling terribly well, so it might be best if he’s not kept waiting too long at the docks…”

“Ah.” Sounds like the piece of slime has had a bit of a pasting. “I’ll tell Ethan to watch out for his package.”

“Appreciate that. And please ask Ethan to dispose of the trash for me, once he’s done.”

“Will do.”
