Page 66 of Savage Lovers

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“You don’t needto carry me. I can walk.”

“Bollocks,” I reply. I lift her in my arms and march up the front steps and into Caernbro Ghyll.

“What is this place?” Jenna asks, staring at the sleek white decor, the period plasterwork, the elegant chandelier overhead.

“It’s where I live,” I reply. “You’ll be in my apartment until you’re fit to look after yourself.”

She stiffens. “I can’t stay here. What about the pub?”

“Molly has it covered for now, and we’ll bring in an interim manager if need be.” I head upstairs with her, ignoring any further protests. “Megan ordered bed rest, so that’s what’s going to happen. Get used to it.”

She falls silent, largely, I suspect, because she’s speechless at the luxurious surroundings.

I carry her up to the second floor and into my apartment. I have three rooms. A barely used sitting room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. If I need access to a kitchen I use the main one downstairs, settling for just a kettle and a microwave in here.

“This is…very nice,” Jenna breathes.

“I don’t own it, but yes, it’s comfortable.” I draw back the duvet and place her gently on the king-size mattress. “You need to get some sleep now.”

She arranges herself against the pillows. Despite her protests, I can tell the journey from the Rothwell has exhausted her. Her eyelids are drooping already.

“If it’s not yours, whose it it?” she murmurs.


Her brow furrows. “Does he live here?”

“No,” I reply. “He prefers somewhere more secluded. This is just a base for some of the men and our headquarters here on the mainland.”

“The mainland? Where does he live, then?”

“The Outer Hebrides.”

“Ah,” she whispers. Within moments, she’s asleep.

I pull up a seat and spend the next thirty minutes just staring at her. She looks remarkably good in my bed, her dark hair spread over my pillow. The hospital gown lacks something in the way of allure, and her bruised features leave me wincing, but she’s still beautiful. I could get used to her presence in my life. I wonder what I’ll need to do to ensure she remains here.

There’s a soft tap on the door. Megan enters.

“How is she?”


“That’s good. Do you want me to stay with her for a while?”

“No need. I’m not going anywhere.”

She arches an eyebrow. “You do know Felix Fuller is in the cells?”

I hadn’t known, but it’s good news. “Rome tracked him down?”

“With a little help from Jack and the others.”

I give her a grim smile. “He’ll keep. Come to think of it, though, I do need some breakfast before I deal with him. And it would be good to hear what Jenna has to say. It would be a pity to maybe let him off too lightly. So, yes. If you could stay with her, that would be good.”

I return an hour later, feeling well fortified after a cheese omelette and a generous slug of caffeine. I bring a cup for Jenna and a small bowl of the cereals I know she likes because I saw a carton of them in her kitchen. She’s sitting up in bed chatting to Megan but smiles when I enter.
