Page 36 of Savage Lovers

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“I intend to try.”

I shake my head sadly. “I won’t come again. I mean, I only ever manage the once.” And that’s only on a good day, like this one.

“Is that right? You’ve been hanging around the wrong men, then.”

I don’t know how to answer that so I decide not to try, and I’m spared the need to make further conversation because he rolls from the bed and unfastens the top two buttons of his shirt. He drags it over his head, and it joins my stuff on the floor, soon followed by his dress trousers.

He looked good enough to eat in his formal suit, but without it he’s positively mouth-watering. His chest is sharply sculpted, a Greek statue come to life. I can count the ridges on his washboard stomach and pick out the swathes of muscle across his shoulders. His pecs ripple and flex as he moves, and his biceps could be carved from granite.

He regards me over his shoulder. “You’re staring.”

“You stared at me,” I remind him. “Fair’s fair.”

“You’re right. And I recall you particularly wanted to inspect my cock. Feel free.” His boxers hit the carpet, and he returns to kneel beside me, the magnificent cock in question jutting before my eyes.

“Dear Lord,” I whisper. “You’re huge.”

Despite my trepidation around matters of compatibility, I can’t help myself. I reach for him and wrap my fingers around his shaft. Solid and heavy, his erection hardens further in my hands. I squeeze, draw my fist up the length of him, then on impulse, I lean forward to lick the droplet of clear fluid from the tip.

Tony groans. His eyelids drop.

Encouraged, I take the entire crown in my mouth and suck. I’ve never done anything like this before, never wanted to, but now curiosity drives me to more experimentation. My pussy is still humming from the pleasure he gave me. I’m determined to return the compliment.

I find the soft underside and trace the ridge there with the tip of my tongue, savouring the musky, salty taste. His heavy balls are in my palm, so I roll them between my fingers before squeezing gently. His groans become louder, so I tighten my grip at the same time as scraping my teeth over the head of his beautiful cock.

He lets me have free rein for maybe half a minute more, then he sinks his fingers into my hair again and draws my head back until his cock springs free.

“Enough,” he growls. “I want to come inside you.

I don’t think. There’s no more timid waffle about whether he’ll fit or not. Instead, I murmur my agreement and flop back against the pillows and spread my thighs as wide as I can.

Tony drops to his haunches to retrieve a condom from the pocket of his trousers.

“You came prepared,” I observe. “I don’t remember you being Boy Scout.”

“No. I’m just an optimist.” He tears open the foil and slips the latex on.

“It seems a pity to cover it,” I say.

“You’ll thank me later.” He comes back to kneel on the bed, between my thighs, then lowers himself over me. He balances on one elbow and uses his other hand to position himself at my entrance. “Remember what I said. If I hurt you, tell me.”

“And what if it’s just…good?”

“You can tell me that, too.”

He rocks his hips. The crown of his cock breaches my entrance. He withdraws, then repeats the action, driving a little deeper this time.

“Okay?” He pauses to let me answer.

“Yes. Very okay.” I reach for his shoulders and hang on. “Fuck me, Tony. Do it. Now.”

“Happy to oblige.” He pulls back one final time, then buries himself balls-deep.

I cry out. I can’t help it, but the sound is one of surprise mingled with pleasure. He’s big, stretching me, but my body is miraculously reshaping around him. Accepting, welcoming.

His thrusts are slow at first, and shallow. I soon catch up, matching his rhythm. It’s as though we were meant for this, for each other.

I give myself a mental shake. I need to dismiss such fanciful notions and take this for what it is. Mind-blowingly wonderful sex.
