Page 21 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“Jaxon, what the hell are you doing? Have you completely lost your mind?” I screech as I pop back out of the vehicle.

A sinister grin crosses his face as his hand leaves the guy’s throat clenching into a fist and landing on the waiter’s cheek in a hard crack. He pulls back once again and swings, this time landing on the guy’s nose with a crunch and I watch horrified as blood gushes down his face. The guy is trying to pull away with frightened eyes but Jaxon’s hold on his hair has him falling to his knees on the sidewalk. Jaxon starts kicking his abdomen and back. He’s lost complete control, he looks insane and unhinged right now. Hitting the waiter over and over.

“Jaxon! STOP!” I beg and try to pull his grip away from the guy’s hair, but he shoves me and I’m forced to step back or fall in the stupid shoes I’m wearing.

“You thought you were so slick touching my wife and dropping your phone number in her lap.” Crack. “You thought I didn’t notice.” Crack. “I saw when you touched her arm, motherfucker.” Crack. “NO ONE TOUCHES WHAT’S MINE!” Crack.

“Jesus! Jaxon, stop, you’re going to kill him! Please stop!” I beg.

The guy can barely open either of his eyes, he’s groaning in pain and I’m pretty sure a couple of his teeth have popped out. Yet Jaxon refuses to release his hold on the man’s hair. The waiter weakly tries to use his arm and hand to push Jaxon back and away from him. In a moment so quick I’m not even sure I’m seeing it correctly, Jaxon releases his hold on the man’s hair, grabs his hand and snaps it back until the horrific and sickening sound of bones breaking fills the air. A high-pitched screech sounds loudly and I think I’m going to be sick, my dinner lurching up towards my throat.

“She is mine, fucker. MINE! I don’t share and you touched her. You tried to take her from me!”

I wrap my arms tightly around my waist to hold myself up from falling to my knees and purging everything I ate tonight, just as Jaxon yanks back on the waiter’s arm and I hear the bone snap, breaking his arm and most likely dislocating his shoulder. I can’t hold the bile back any longer, turning to the side and vomiting everything I had for dinner on the sidewalk.

Sirens can be heard coming towards us and our poor driver Auggie tries to usher me back into the limo without ever touching me. “Mrs. Stratford, we have to go, please get inside.” Then I watch as he shouts something at Jaxon and finally breaks through to him. I can’t hear the words, it feels like a million bees are currently residing in my head. How could this have happened? Is he insane?

Jaxon drops the waiter to the ground, gives him one final kick, spitting on him before moving into the open door of the limo. We are in motion before the door is even closed firmly. I move as far away from him as I can inside the confines of the limo, fear skating down my spine and my heart racing in my chest. Jaxon’s breathing hard, his outfit splattered in the guy’s blood. His knuckles are split open and covered in blood and his chest is rising and falling in dramatic exhales, while he grinds his jaw over and over.

The only thought running nonstop through my mind is that I have married a deranged, violent psychopath. His eyes meet mine and I see no shame, no regret in their depths. He stares at me with fury across his handsome features and dread fills my body. My mind is screaming for us to get away from him, to run as far as we can. He is fucking dangerous!

“Let that be a reminder to you Stella, you are fucking mine, and anyone who tries to take you will meet with the same fate, if not worse.”

We don’t utter another word to each other all the way home. I slip the heels from my feet and abandon them inside the limo. The minute we pull up to the front porch, I’m dashing up the two steps, and pushing through the front door. I pass a shocked Mrs. Pox, but I don’t stop to acknowledge her. I take the stairs two at a time and run for my room as if the hounds of hell are chasing me. Once I’m behind the locked door of the master bedroom, I let my body slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the plush area rug and tears are pouring down my face.

He’s insane. He could have killed that man and for what? Flirting with me, trying to give me his number. The horror of the situation fills me. Jaxon Stratford is violent and unhinged. I have left one violent man only to be placed with another.

How am I going to get out of this mess? How am I going to protect myself from him and build a world for myself that will never have me cowering like I am right now.



“Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.” Havelock Ellis

Mypower-hungrywifehasbeen avoiding me for over a week since the restaurant incident. She rises and leaves before I do in the mornings. My naughty staff have been running interference between us, so I never know when she is home. I am sure, at her request,the traitors.

She has taken to locking the master suite's door firmly at night, and unless I want to cause a spectacle of myself and break it down, there is no breaching it. Last weekend the little viper disappeared to Portland to check on one of Penticton Industries holdings and didn’t even bother to tell me. I only found out that she had left the goddamn state from her assistant.The smug bastard enjoyed my ire and surprise just a bit too much, if you ask me.I think I might need to break a few of his bones to make him understand that Stella is not the only one he should fear.

My behavior was a bit unhinged at the restaurant; I will admit that to no one but myself. I lost complete control of myself in that situation after watching that stupid fuck try to seduce her while I sat a mere foot or two away, talking to that asshole that didn’t even bother to greet her. I’m not usually such a jealous man, after all, I am guilty of sleeping with other men’s wives.

Something about the way that fucker was even looking at her had rage boiling inside of me. When I noticed out of the corner of my eye his finger trailing over her soft skin, skin that fucking belongs to me, I almost lunged at him. Then when he dropped the paper into her lap, thinking he was being discreet and sly, I watched her shocked expression. I wanted to plunge the steak knife on the table into his throat and watch the blood pour out of him. I don’t know what she said to him, but whatever it was had him stepping back and acting right for the rest of the dinner. The damage was done, though. I couldn’t get the red haze to leave my vision. I needed him to pay for touching and daring to try to take what was mine.

Her response in the limo and then at the house to run from me like I was the devil incarnate hurt my pride a bit. I wanted her to see me as an avenging knight—a husband defending her honor and his territory. My words were harsh and unrestrained, and I know that I frightened her. Shit, I frightened myself, if I’m being honest.

Auggie, our driver, did some follow-up and let me know what happened to the fucker. I put that guy in the hospital with a broken nose, dislocated jaw, broken wrist, and arm. The fucker, for sure isn’t going to be so handsome going forward or chasing after any more pretty wives. I would be worried about a lawsuit coming my way, but my contacts on the dark and shady side of the business have it handled for me.

Now Stella is running fucking scared both from my unhinged behavior and from this mutual attraction we share. She’s playing a very dangerous game with me and my patience.One that I am determined to win at all costs.Stella Stratford had better finally recognize that I own every part of her. I want her to bend for me while I drive my hard cock into her cunt until she begs me for mercy.Even then, I have no intention of granting it. She is fucking mine.

I drive up my driveway, having left the office early due to my lack of concentration and rising frustration, all stemming from this situation with Stella.Why does she have to be so fucking stubborn?Right now, we could be enjoying our honeymoon somewhere tropical, and I could be face-deep in her pussy. Instead, I’m here filled with anger, longing, and sexual frustration, which my own palm does not seem to alleviate.

As I reach the end of my driveway, I notice a familiar car parked in front of my front door. What the hell is Ajax doing at my house in the middle of the day? I quickly park the car and enter the house through the garage. For some reason, I cannot explain, my mind urges me to be silent in my steps. A feeling of unease skates down my back as I enter the mostly silent home. I can hear very muted voices coming from the direction of the den. Looking around, I don’t see any of the household staff as I move down the corridor.Where the fuck are they?

I make my way to the door of the den which, is partially ajar. I can see through the crack that Ajax is standing before my wife, his hands placed on her upper arms, and she doesn’t seem to be trying to move away from him. A red mist of indignation fills my body, my heart pounds in my chest, and I have to clench my hands tightly. The desire to punch Ajax first and ask questions later enters my mind.Fuck it, I will rip both his fucking arms off and beat him with them, then ask questions.

“Stella, be reasonable. You have gotten what you needed out of this arrangement. You now have the controlling shares in Penticton Industries, and you will walk away with half of Jaxon’s fortune when you leave.” Ajax’s voice is filled with the telltale sounds of frustration. I can only see the back of him from the angle I am standing in. His back is taut in his navy-blue dress shirt, his shoulders rigid and filled with irritation as he holds on tomyfucking wife. I am going to take pleasure in breaking every one of his fingers before I dislocate his fucking jaw. He shouldn’t be touching what is mine, and she shouldn’t be allowing it. I warned her beforehand about men touching her.Did she learn nothing from the restaurant?

“Ajax, please.” My wife’s voice sounds small and restrained in the room filled with emotion.What the fuck is she begging him for?I force myself to remain where I am rather than storming the room and breaking my best friend’s face, and wrapping my fingers around my little ice queen’s throat.The desire to hurt her too, fills my veins.Is she being deceitful with me? Trying to play me for a fucking fool?
