Page 12 of Rise of a Kingdom

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He stops before me, raising a finger to my face and trailing it softly down to my cheek and over my lips. The sensation causes the hairs to rise on my body as my eyes meet his intense ones. “You are a viper, Stella, cunning and cold. You mean to try to control me, but you’re mistaken if you think I will allow it.” His finger continues down my chin to my jaw and down my neck where his fingers lightly trail and caress across my warm flesh.

“You will have your pound of flesh. I will transfer the shares and the board seat to you. I will however, require an amendment to your vicious and calculating demands. One that you will not negotiate if you’re as smart as I believe you to be.” His fingers press into my skin, causing my breath to stop in my throat. “You will sleep in the same bed with me every night starting tonight. I will fuck you raw in any way I want, use you for my pleasure and lose myself between your creamy thighs. You will wake up every morning to my cock lodged in your fucking throat or you can take your chances at going to war with me, Stella.”

His hand tightens, not stopping my airflow but in a subtle warning that he could if he so desired it. My throat aches from his mistreatment but I don’t dare ask him to relinquish it. His other hand snakes behind my back, pulling me forward until my body meets the hardness of his and his warm coffee scented breath skates across my lips. “I will fuck you over and over, Stella. My cock bottoming out ruthlessly inside of you nightly. My cum filling you until you’re drenched in my scent.” His fingers tighten, this time ensuring that my breath struggles to leave my lips.

“You will wake to my hard cock every morning in that vicious mouth of yours or that sweet dripping pussy. I will fuck that tight puckered hole and stretch it with my thick cock until you can barely fucking sit down. I mean to get my money’s worth out of you, Stella. You are about to be my constant cum whore.” He leans forward letting his lips briefly rest against mine, allowing me the option to pull back from him.

My body is a riot of nerves and sensations. Heat is coursing through my skin everywhere that our bodies meet and my pulse is racing, which I am sure he can feel in my neck. His dirty words having the instant effect of soaking my panties and turning me on at his demands. I’m not afraid at all of Jaxon or his threats. If anything, my body is soaring at the thought of him using me for his pleasure and providing me orgasms in return. He means to make me a slave to passion, but I have no intentions of falling down that rabbit hole alone. I’ll be taking his ass right along with me.

Is it really a penance to sleep nightly with him? To let him invade my body with the hard cock that I felt through his pants earlier? To allow him to use me for his own pleasure, while providing me with mind blowing orgasms? I could do much worse in a negotiation, and he knows it. He could have refuted any and all of my threats, instead he agreed to give me the shares and the board seat to my family’s company. Although he hasn’t expressly indicated that he will be faithful to me, his amendment makes me believe that as long as he is getting laid here at home, and finding pleasure between my legs, he will not wander. I might be foolish to believe that, but I trust that Jaxon understands the consequences if I find out he has defaulted on our agreement.

Regardless, I will have my pound of flesh from the whore that he brought home last night. My wrath will not be so easily assuaged with her. She will pay me in spades for the humiliation she caused me. I know that all of the household staff witnessed Jaxon’s interaction with her on the driveway. I also plan to make an example and warning of her to other women that would think to try to seduce my husband. Stella Stratford will be the queen of their nightmares and I mean to haunt them all.

I press my lips against his, my tongue lightly tracing his bottom lip, before demanding entry into his mouth. I mean to make a point to my new husband. I will never back down and I will never cower from him. He had better learn that lesson now.

He deepens the kiss with a groan, his tongue meeting mine in a fierce dance that has a moan leaving my lips as he pulls me closer. His soft lips consume mine and his grip on my neck tightens before suddenly releasing. He breaks the sizzling kiss and takes a step back from me. His eyes alight with passion and his breathing heavy. The color has once again risen in his cheeks making him look younger than his age.He really is an extremely sexy man and he’s all mine now.

I clear my throat, never breaking eye contact with him. “I agree to your amendment, Jaxon. Do not think to manipulate me with your dick. Better men than you have tried and failed. I will have your monogamy or you will suffer the repercussions.”

A devious smirk crosses his lips. “Oh little ice queen, when I am done with you, you will have a permanent imprint of my cock inside of you. Every waking moment you will feel me and the memories I intend to leave you with. Any man that has been there before me will be a forgotten memory, of that I promise you.”

He leans forward his warm breath skating across the skin of my neck and my exposed collarbone. “A warning Stella, one that I suggest you heed. I am a possessive and jealous man, and you are mine. If I discover that another man has laid a hand on you, in any way.” His tongue trails out and licks a line up my neck to the soft flesh of my ear lobe. “I will have all of his fingers sawed off from that hand.” He bites down on my lobe, the sting making my core tighten deliciously in response and a little whimper leaves my lips. “Do I make myself clear?”

When I nod in confirmation to his bloodthirsty warning, he places one more hot kiss just below my ear lobe, the spot causing my toes to curl up inside of my shoes.Holy crap, that feels amazing.He pulls back, his steely gray eyes hooded and meeting mine. He takes a step back, his chest rising and falling in rapid movements and his cock tenting the fabric of his pants.

He slides past me towards the breakfast room door and I turn to watch him go with a raised eyebrow.Is he running from me already?Perhaps he cannot stand to be in the same room with me any longer, knowing that he does not in fact hold the upper hand in this situation. He stops at the threshold of the room, his shoulders stiff and his head held high. “I never intended to hurt you, Stella. I didn’t think it would have mattered to you. I am truly sorry for my actions yesterday.”

He leaves the room and disappears from sight, leaving me feeling empty, horny, and confused. His apology was sincere, I can feel it in the caliber of his words and in his tone. Regardless, the fact is that he did hurt me and will continue to do so if I allow it. I need to draw the line in the sand now of our future relationship or I will have failed to free myself from the hands of yet another man that believes himself my superior and captor.



“Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence.” Vittorio Alfieri

“GoodafternoonMrs.Stratford,what a pleasure it is to have you with us.” The man before me is almost salivating at having me in his presence. I wouldn’t put it past him to get down on his pathetic knees and grovel at my heeled feet. His round face, red and coupled with sweat dotting his cheeks shows me his unease.Good, let him worry about displeasing me.My father and Jaxon wanted a new reigning queen of the Manhattan elite. I mean to ensure that all here fear their new monarch.

“My table, Jepson.” I indicate with a nod of my head for him to lead the way. I’m impatient to get this show on the road so I can move on to more important things.More important than ensuring your husband doesn’t cheat?My mind laughs at me.

When I called earlier to inform the country club that Jaxon and I would be requiring a new permanent table as well as some much-needed assurances to ensure our continued patronage, they were immediately accommodating. Of course they would be, I am now one of the richest women in the United States, some would say top ten in all of the world with my union to Jaxon. Power and money call to places like this, wanting to attract and keep membership exclusive and for the uber rich. Maggots and corruption, that’s what surrounds my privileged world.Perhaps it needs a cleansing by fire?

I watch as other patrons nod and smile at me as I pass them on my way to my highly visible and coveted table by the window. My head held high, and shoulders back with an air of aloofness surrounding me.Sheep, the lot of them, paying me civilities now that I have married their most eligible bachelor and one of the most powerful men in the east coast.

None of them were outright rude to me before yesterday, my father and mother have always been part of the top of the food chain, but none of them ever made any effort either to befriend me. They nicknamed me ice queen and then left me to my fortress of ice. I foresee a change in that as I take my seat and allow my eyes to trail over those in attendance here for lunch. A red head gets up and starts to approach my table but at the harsh, cold look I direct her way, she turns around and sits back down. My resting bitch face is on point and very useful for situations like these. Although I need to be here to put my plans into place, I don’t relish the idea of being around fake people. I am not naive enough to believe any of them will ever truly be my friends. There is no such thing in this world of privilege, where you keep your enemies close.

The country club is a giant fish bowl surrounded by glass windows and views of Central Park with its lush green grass and blooming trees. Springtime in Manhattan is one of my favorite times of year. The rich Japanese cherry blossoms are in bloom outside of the confines of this room. How I wish I was out there inhaling their rich scent instead of in this awful space. The country club’s decor is artfully modern with too much glass, chrome, and bright flashy red booths. I detest coming here, always have. Even when my mother and father demanded it of me so that they could be seen by the elite. Now I have come here willingly to sit and be admired by these assholes that take pleasure in the misery of others.

It grates on my nerves to be forced by Jaxon’s actions to be as malignant as everyone else in the room or the reality that I will actually have to be much worse then them in order to be feared. My only solace is that I will enjoy tearing this miserable world apart. No doubt my social butterfly of a mother will be hearing of my attendance before I even leave the building.Will she be proud I wonder, or will she burst into pitiful tears for having raised such a willful and cold-hearted daughter?

A pretty waitress fills my glass with water and then takes my order, scurrying off no doubt to ensure that I do not wait long for my food.It wouldn’t do to displease the new queen, now would it?An un-lady-like snort leaves my lips at the very thought and I watch as the woman seated closest to me, eyes grow large at the sound. I let my eyes roam over the tables closest to me, meeting the gaze of various women, that no doubt would change places with me in a second as Jaxon’s wife. I purposely left my neck and collarbone exposed with the marks Jaxon left on my skin. Let them note that my husband has laid claim to me.They need to be forewarned that he is mine and I do not fucking share.

After a few minutes of meeting various pairs of eyes with a look of utter distaste on my part, my annoyance at having to even be here starts to rise. Men don’t have to play these games with each other, they provide warning with their fists and words. Women however require more subterfuge to obtain their goals. Just as I am rethinking whether or not I am in fact interested in having lunch here, I hear a loud commotion at the entryway of the restaurant. A devious smirk crosses my lips before I wipe it off my features and school my face so those around me cannot read my thoughts. My ice queen mask.

A blonde woman is pushing harshly and loudly against the manager’s round body and one of the uniformed waiters, trying in vain to force her way into the restaurant and no doubt towards me. I sit back, crossing my hands in my lap and giving off a relaxed vibe, one that I don’t realistically feel, but no one in this godforsaken room needs to know that.

“You cold, conniving bitch. How dare you!” She screams in a high-pitched voice and pushes past the waiter who tries to block her, moving towards where I am sitting at my new highly coveted table.

I raise an eyebrow in her direction, my jaw locking tight and displeasure evident on my features, nodding to the manager to let her continue to move past and closer to me. She is creating a spectacle of herself and all eyes in the country club are now on us. What is happening here will be on the front page of every gossip paper by morning and spread on the lips of every member of the elite within hours. I counted on it, after all it’s why I am sitting here, subjecting myself to this fishbowl. “How dare I what, Kalista?”
