Page 17 of Reckless Roulette

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He gives me a shrug. “I thought so.”

It’s not long later that the door swings open, and the woman holds the gun out to Len. He takes it from her and the other women come flooding out around her. They look out at the guards and not a single one of them looks horrified. They’ve seen too much that this shitty city has to offer them. Some of them look to be in their late teens, others young women… people who shouldn’t see this many dead men and have no reaction.

“Thank you,” the woman who’d taken the gun says.

Another grabs Len’s hand. “Thank you…”

“You don’t need to thank me. There’s a bus stop right outside. Let’s get you out of here,” Len says, but the women won’t let him go. They’re grabbing him and hugging him and crying, but he just ushers them outside. It’s like they see him as a support and aren’t sure if they can do it without him.

He takes them to the road and still, they’re not prepared to let their savior go. Do they not realize that they still have a whole road ahead of them? That this is just the start to a new life? Or is that why they’re struggling to let go?

Many are likely addicted to drugs and other things that they won’t be able to readily get without their clientele. Many don’t have the money for a roof over their heads… so is it still better?

I rock back on my heels as I pull out all the cash I have on me. It’s around two thousand that I pass to Len.

Len looks down at it. “You can give it to them yourself.”

The idea of that makes me hesitate, so I shove it in his hands and walk back to his car to wait for him. It isn’t until the bus comes and goes that he returns to the car and looks over at me.

“That was—” he starts.

I scowl at him. “Don’t say it.”

“Really nice—”

“I fucking saiddon’t say it,” I growl, but Len is giving me a huge smile.

He reaches out and tries to cup my face, but I smack his hand away. “There is a heart in there. There really is. Some things are just… shocking.”

I ignore him, regretting everything.

“Want to go watch anime with me?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Want to play some video games?”

“No part of me wants to play video games.”

“You know you want to.”

“It’s the last fucking thing I want to do.”

Len just laughs as he puts the car in drive and pulls away.




There has to be something in my brain that doesn’t always work quite right. I, one hundred percent, have absolutely no reason to be outside of Kade’s casino. I’ve already stated that I wouldn’t take the job, but here I am.

I wasn’t wrong in telling him that he was a dick, but last night he handed over money to those women that he never even had to admit he had. Hell, he could have given them a hundred and gone about his day.

No, the money won’t be enough to live off for long, but for many of those women, it’ll change their lives. It’ll give them a chance to get their feet under them. A roof, clothes, food… a chance to find a job.

So here I am, curious if it was a one-off, that he just had so much money that it didn’t even matter to a man like him, or he’d done it because there’s a teeny-tiny, minuscule heart located somewhere in his chest.
