Page 58 of A Hero in Hiding

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“I feel weirdly… like a target,” Deus says as he comes out wearing the brightest yellow suit I’ve ever seen in my life. “Do you… do you kind of get that vibe?”

My eyes connect with the bullseye on the chest of the suit and I slowly nod. “Kind of gets Valerie’s point across,” I say as we walk down the hallway to catch up to Lex and Ellison. Lex is wearing his standard getup and Ellison is still in a regular suit, which I find wildly unfair when the rest of us have to look like idiots.

“No suit for you?” I ask Ellison.

“I am not a superhero. I do not wear… superhero suits,” he says as he tugs his tie a little to make sure that the perfectly straight tie couldn’t get any straighter.

“Were you born in that suit?” Deus asks.

“I do not engage in meaningless conversation,” Ellison says as he briskly walks on.

That doesn’t distract Deus, though. “Did you just like shoot out of the womb with your cuff links? They didn’t have to cut the umbilical cord, you were attached with a tie instead, huh?”

Ellison shows absolutely no sign of hearing anything Deus is saying.

“Deus, being mean reminds me that I haven’t been mean to you in a while,” I say.

He looks over at me. “Huh. Weirdly, I thought you were just an hour or two ago when you told Lex to light me on fire, but I must have been mistaken.”

“I’ll have to step that up a bit. So, I’m curious, does everything on your person turn invisible when you do?” I ask.

“It does!” He seems oddly thrilled by my attention.

“So can you make another person invisible if you’re like… touching them?” Lex asks.

“I cannot.”

“But you can turn anything you’re wearing invisible?” I ask.

Deus slows down to walk beside us. “I can.”

“What if you were wearing a human?”

“Oh! Good point!” Lex says.

“Well… let me see,” he says as he picks Lex up and tries folding him around his neck like he’s a scarf before going invisible. Lex remains visible while looking highly confused and mildly pleased.

“You’re sostrong,” Lex says.

“Oh, you like that?” Deus says with a wink as he sets him down.

“What if they’re dead?” I ask. “Could you wear them then?”

“I… I don’t know! Ellison’s personality is horribly deceased, so let me try.” He grabs for Ellison but faster than Deus can react, Ellison wraps his hand around Deus’s throat. “Do not… I repeat,do nottry to pick me up. You will not enjoy the consequences.”

“Is it weird that was extremely hot?” Deus asks, clearly fine withEllisontouching him, but goes on a rampage when I show him just how touchable he is.

Ellison’s expression tells mehefound it quite weird, and he hurries ahead of us.

Deus shifts his attention to me. “Is it weird?”

“Dude. Don’t ask me. The other day, I wore underwear that had August’s face on them, and all I could think about was him ripping them off,” I say before hurrying to catch up with Ellison who I realize isbrightred in the face. Like fucking blushing overtime.

Oh, dear god… why is that cute?

I try to get August to notice, but he’s oblivious, of course. And then I realize that I totally forget what I was even going to say as Ellison powerwalks off, like if he moves fast enough he can get the red in his cheeks to dissipate.

“Anyway… I’ll have to try it the next time I come across a dead body!” Deus concludes as I turn to look at August. He gives me an inquisitive look and I wish I could telepathically tell him what mysteries I’ve just seen. I feel like it’d be best for Deus not to know.
