Page 12 of Sinful Obsession

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I massaged my temples, wincing from the throbbing headache that had suddenly appeared. I was not fond of medication, but I would try it. The few times I’d been prescribed an antidepressant, it had made me feel weird, and the side effects had sucked. Reminding myself that I didn’t have to take it every night but only when I really needed it, I agreed.

By the end of my session, my phone buzzed with an alert that my prescription was ready for pickup.

Closing my laptop, I set it on the cushion next to me and stood. My stomach growled, and I glanced at the clock. If I picked up my medication and dinner, I could maybe crawl into bed early and watch some television. For once, I didn’t have any plans, and I wanted to curl up and not have to pretend that everything was perfect in my life when it wasn’t. It was exhausting.

I gathered my keys and purse, then headed out the door, locking it behind me. It wasn’t dark yet, but the sky was filled with wisps of blue and orange streaks from the setting sun. My shoulders relaxed as I realized I could settle in for the evening soon. Most people saw me as an extrovert, and I was, to a degree, but I definitely recharged with alone time.

* * *

Once I had stuffed my face with the juicy hamburger and fries I picked up, I took my first sleeping pill. Securing the cuff around my wrist, I fluffed my pillow, then wiggled down into the bed. I pulled the comforter up to my chin as I started to watch season one of Bridgerton.

A few minutes later, my lids fluttered closed, and I forced them open again. It was good that I didn’t have a class until eleven the following day. As a precaution, I’d set the alarm on both my phone and my clock, though. Since I wasn’t familiar with how the pill would affect me, I had to ensure I woke up on time.

* * *

I jolted upright, the chain jingling beneath my bed as I moved. My breath hitched in my throat, and my heart slammed against my ribs as I attempted to clear the sleep from my vision.

“Who? Who are you?” I blinked rapidly at the person in the corner of my bedroom.

He rose, smoothing his black shirt with a masculine hand. His clothes were so dark that I might not have seen him if it weren’t for the white mask that covered his head and neck. Without a word, he walked over to the side of my bed. All rational thoughts of screaming or uncuffing myself fled my brain as terror gripped me.

He pushed me back against the mattress and placed his other palm over my mouth. My breaths came in short, panicked bursts.

“Are you afraid, Brie Langston?”

I gave him a frantic nod, realizing his voice was disguised.

“Good. You should be.” He planted a knee on the edge of the bed, then took out a dark piece of material from the pocket of his black slacks. He removed his hand, then shoved the cloth into my mouth. I clawed at his arm, desperate to escape him, but he quickly overpowered me. He flipped me over onto my stomach, grabbed my arms, and secured them behind my back.

“What’s this?” He tugged on my cuffed wrist, then a deep chuckle filled my room.

I muttered against the rag, still squirming on the bed and trying to break free.

He smoothed my hair, then roughly he jerked my head back. I looked at him wild-eyed, tears spilling down my cheeks.

“I was raised to believe sex outside of marriage was a sin. One that earned beatings if my cock got hard. Now? I take what I want, when I want it.”

I whimpered as he pushed my face into the pillow, then pulled my pajama shorts and panties down to my ankles.

“Such a sweet little ass, begging to be spanked. You’ve been a bad girl, Brie, cheering in that short little skirt and getting yourself tossed in the air for everyone to stare at your beautiful body. Tell me, the guy that catches you, does he slip a finger into your bodysuit and stroke your pussy?”

I trembled as his touch skimmed down my back, over my ass cheeks, and between my thighs. He straddled me, then nudged his knee between my legs, forcing them apart.

I begged him not to hurt me, but the gag muffled my pleas.

He grabbed my hips and forced me to my knees, my butt in the air. A loud slap against my skin made me lunge forward, nearly hitting my head on the wall.

“Tempting all those men, Brie,” he tsked before he spanked me again.

My flesh burned with the repeated harsh contact. His weight shifted on my mattress, and I sucked in a sharp breath as he traced over my slit.

“So wet. Are you wet for me?”

Grunting against the material shoved in my mouth, I attempted to answer him. Not that he could tell. My eyes slammed closed as he rubbed my clit. He parted my ass cheeks, his sudden intake of breath audible in the otherwise quiet room. Easing a finger inside me, he continued to massage my bundle of nerves.

Oh, God! Fuck, what was I trying to say? But … a soft moan escaped me as he continued, the pleasure pulsing through me, and I rocked against his hand, greedy for more. I had no idea who he was, but sex with a stranger in the middle of the night was hot as hell.

The sound of his zipper reached my ears, and although I should have been afraid, his touch was electrifying. Whoever this was, he knew what he was doing.

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