Page 2 of My Mafia Beast

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And there you have it, I had the job. But I couldn't help believing that interview with my pessimistic mind, thinking I got the job for the wrong reasons. After all, how often do you get a pretty woman to come into your office and admit right then and there that she finds you attractive? Of course, if I was him, I would want to hire me. I wouldn't want to have the pretty girls sitting next to me every day. Just wondering whether or not you're going to have a shot at having sex with her. But I don't know. I chose to look at the positive. I got that job because of my resume and 2% of my interview skills. What's going to happen next? Only time will tell. Something told me that working for Tomasso was not going to be an ordinary gig.

Chapter 2


Itwasprobablyoneof the weirdest interviews I had ever given. But I wasn't using the wordweirdin a negative way. I was using it in a memorable way. That chick Angelina was like no one I had ever met before. That’s a guy who came from the mafia world, an unspoken world you weren't technically supposed to acknowledge. I had seen a little bit of it all. But nothing like that ginger, big-breasted, personality-filled woman who was now my new assistant.

And that wasn't even the weirdest part of the whole situation. The weirdest part of the whole situation was that I was at a nice Italian restaurant with a blonde girl with even bigger breasts than Angelina, who also didn't mind showing them in her little cocktail dress, but I was sitting at dinner with her, thinking about Angelina instead. Instead.

" So then I asked for the manager. Because it was the Michael Kors store, the manager wasn't too far away. Yada yada yada, I got the purse for half off."

I'd hate to say it, but I was only saying it to myself. I didn't hear half of her story. I didn't hate materialism. I like a girl who I could spoil. It was just simpler that way. I knew what I was getting into. I also want to say that it was my type. But it would definitely be my type. And I don't know, sitting across from her at the dinner table, I kind of wished that it was Angelina instead.

" Did you hear me?" She asked.

The second she asked me that, just her tone pissed me off. And I think she could tell that because all the tension on her face left her once she saw my reaction.

" Sorry. I didn't mean to snap."

I wanted to chuckle at her sudden ability to backtrack. If she wasn't so sexy, I might have ended the date. Not to be superficial or anything like that. But she was beautiful, and I didn't want to be a jerk and cut things short just because she pissed me off. I wasn't that immature, even if my time was valuable.

" That's all right. I've dealt with the worse in my life. Don't think I'm never listening to you because I zone out for a bit. I heard every little bit of your story."

She smiled at me and put a piece of her hair behind her ear. The way that she looked down at her plate was tremendously sexy. It was something about a confident girl being coy that drove me insane.

" So what is Michael Kors like, your favorite brand or something?"

The sound of light Italian music playing in the background filled my ears as I waited for her response. It was kind of cute that it took her so long to recall. What bag was her favorite? I don't know why. Those were the things that turned me on. But at the same time, they were superficial things. They were things that made me want to take her to the bedroom but nothing more.

" I'm actually a huge fan of Kate Spade. That's my favorite bag.

Suddenly, I was getting a little bored listening to her. " What do you like to do for your hobbies? I know you're a banker by day. But what do you do to let loose?" I imagine Angelina sitting across from me, answering that question. It was like I was giving the interview all over again.

She finished spooning some linguity into her mouth before looking up at me and saying, " I just party with my friends occasionally. Nothing too crazy."

I nodded. " I see. What do you do, like go to bars and stuff?"

She flashed a quick smile and nodded. " Yep. Like I said, nothing too crazy. I’ve known my friends since high school, so we have our little routine. What do you do for fun? Waste management?"

There was no way around that one. That was definitely a mafia joke. And because she assumed that I was part of the mafia and still on a date with me, that turned me off. I wasn't into girls who were into my lifestyle.

" I don't really like when people make jokes like that, Angelina."

Did I really say something that terrible? Because her eyebrows descended into anger and immediately threw me for a loop. And then I realized what had happened. I had called her the wrong name. And you know what, for the life of me. I couldn't remember what her real name was.

None of that mattered because the next thing that happened was her throwing her drink in my face. This was how you could tell a woman was not truly into you. Maybe it wasn't meant to be if she was willing to end the date that quick. Then again. Maybe she wanted me to chase after her and make things better. But I looked at it more as though it was a sign. I hadn't been feeling her that much anyway.

I refused to be embarrassed and continued to eat my dinner. Just because she had thrown a glass of whatever in my face did not mean I had to ruin my night. After storming out, she came walking back in and flattened out her dress while also putting that same strand of hair from before behind her ear. " You're not going to chase me out? You're not going to try to fix this?"

Well, I was right about something in my head. She just wanted me to pander to her. Which, of course, I was not going to do.

" You just threw a drink in my face. Walk away from me. This date is over."

I tried not to look, but her lower lip quivered. I instead continued to eat my linguity and watched her walk out. I'll give it to her. She had a wonderful ass in that sundress. But an ass was not worth being disrespected. Even though I disrespected her in a way, who I really wanted to be sitting across from was Angelina. After one stupid encounter with her, she was the girl that I really wanted to be talking to. Problematic? Maybe. Actually, it was super problematic because she was my assistant.

I shook my head as if to clear my thoughts and continued eating my food while people looked at me as though I was supposed to feel awkward for finishing the date alone. But I didn't. I was still the leader of a huge mafia family. I was the CEO of a company. Why the hell was I supposed to care about these people?

I did take my time finishing the meal. And when I was done, I tipped the waiter an extra $100 and left the restaurant. When I got in my car, my shoulders hung a little heavier. There was an emptiness inside of my chest. I couldn't really pinpoint why. I just knew that there was no motivation inside of me. I drove fast for no reason. I thought speeding up my car would speed up my mood. But whatever, it felt like a waste of time to sit there and analyze my mood because some girl threw a drink on me, and my dates sucked.
