Page 6 of Nothing to Fear

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Cheers ring out over the loud base beat of the techno song playing, and I start my dance. I’ve practiced this routine and recorded it to watch. So I know that the way I’m moving is giving an illusion of a flaming dragon slithering across the stage.

The act is precisely three and a half minutes long, but by the time the music stops and the waterfall that falls on me to finish starts, I’m completely out of breath. So I ignore the applause and make a mad dash to the dressing rooms so I can rip the mask off my face.

The corridor is empty, and I sigh in relief. But just as I’m reaching the dressing room doors, someone steps out of the men’s bathroom, blocking my path. I slow my steps quickly, so I don’t run into him and sidestep before he turns to see me.

“Hey, little ninja, beautiful performance.” His rich dark voice stops me in my tracks.

“Grazie,” I thank him in Italian without turning to face him.

I punch in the code for the dressing room door and shove it open to escape the hall.

As soon as the door closes and re-locks, I shove the face mask off and take several deep breaths. I carefully put my swords into my locker and throw the mask in next to them. I grab a towel and head into the shower.

I wash up, so I don’t smell of smoke and get dressed.

Blossom walks in while I’m drying my hair and smiles at me. She’s holding a massive bouquet of roses and balloons. I shake my head at her.

“You just couldn’t resist, could you?” I place the hairdryer down on the vanity and accept the flowers.

“The balloons and cards are from us, but the flowers aren’t. You seeing someone?” She looks at me accusingly, and I chuckle.

“When would I have the time? Is there a card?” I search through the bouquet and finally come back with a card with one word printed on it.


It’s surrounded by two koi fish forming a circle, and a cold shiver runs down my spine.

“Blossom, make sure Bruno stays at the door and be ready to close up early.” She lets the balloons float to the ceiling and drops the cards on the floor.

“Trouble, boss?” I sigh and nod.

“Yeah, trouble.”



Gavin is borderline drunk, and I just watched DJ leave with his mystery girl. Good for him. I smile as I finish my last drink of the night. One of us needs to be fucking sober.

The lights dim, and the MC comes on as a drum beat fills the room.

“Without further ado, may I present the main event, our gorgeous and mysterious lady of the night, Vesta.” The beat of the music changes, and the curtains move.

The stage is pitch black until the edge lights on fire. I watch several people step back from the heat and smile. That’s one way to keep the handsy assholes off your dancers. I’ll have to tell my sister about this act when I get home.

I return my eyes to the stage in time to see a wave of blonde hair swirl, and then the dancer raises two swords. I sit up straighter on my stool, completely enthralled. She does a flip landing in a superhero pose with her arms outstretched past her head, and the tips catch fire.

“Holy shit,” I exclaim loudly, standing on full alert.

“Sit down, handsome. It’s all part of the act.” I spare the bartender a glance as I twist back around to make sure the woman on the stage isn’t on fire.

The techno music drops and the dance that follows on the stage is a work of fucking art. It reminds me of Chinese New Year, the swirls of red and orange moving so fast the blur they leave behind looks like a dragon.

I’m sure everyone here is wearing the same expression on their faces. Awe.

The music stops, and the stage is dosed in water. The steam from the stage hides the dancers’ exit as the crowd claps and whistles.

“Shit, that was fucking awesome!” Gavin claps along with the audition.

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