Page 2 of Nothing to Fear

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“What are you doing here, boss? Shouldn’t you be out celebrating your birthday?” I smile at Blossom.

I call her our ‘Dance Mom’ here at my club, The Pearly Gates. She’s dressed in her usual outfit tonight, which consists of pasties and a g-string, but to keep it classy and go with our theme, she’s got a single strand of pearls nuzzled between her double F’s.

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be? Besides, I’m debuting my new act at midnight.” I wink at her as I make my way to my office.

“So, you’re here to play, not work?” I stop and pivot to look at her.

When was the last time I didn’t work? I stifle the sigh that wants to escape and nod.

“Good. I want you to share your first legal drink with me.” She points at me with a stern look, and I chuckle.

“Yes, Mom.” I open my door and close it quickly before she talks me into something else.

I rest the back of my head on the back of the door and blow out a deep breath. No twenty-year-old has the right to feel this tired. I’ve been running myself ragged between the clubs and the recon on the Yakuza.

I was given an impossible task. Find the traitor that killed our fathers. My brand twitches as a reminder to get my ass to work. I step away from the door and go around to sit at my desk.

I turn on my computer and frown at the stack of messages and mail sitting next to my phone.

Has it been that long since I came into my office?

I start opening the mail as the computer comes to life and sorting what bills need to be paid. I’m lost in thought when the email system I use dings with new messages. I glance up at my screen and crack a genuine smile.

“About fucking time,” I mutter as I open the email from my source inside the enemy camp.

I wish this were just a Happy Birthday letter, but there’s trouble coming your way tonight. Don’t let your guard down. Your VIP section is going to be interesting tonight.


“Fuck,” I slump back in my chair and look at the ceiling.

Why must my life be so damn complicated?

A knock at my door has me straightening out and clearing my throat.

“Yes,” I call out as I close the email on my screen.

“Bruno, how is the family?” I ask my head of security as he walks into the office and closes the door.

“Blossom said you’re performing tonight?” The disapproving look on his face surprises me, and I cross my arms over my chest.

“And?” If he has a problem with it, tough shit.

“Gianna,” he starts, but I raise my eyebrow at him.

“Sorry, Miss Dragna. Do you think that is wise? I can’t protect you if you’re on the stage.” Ah, this conversation again.

Bruno is twice my age and size. He’s very protective and has proclaimed himself my new father figure, but I constantly need to remind him he’s on my payroll. I didn’t hire him to protect me, just my girls.

“I protect myself. I don’t want to remind you again, Bruno. I’ll be fine. No one will even know it’s me.” I have done several fire acts on stage before, all masked, and no one has a damn clue it’s me.

He nods at me but doesn’t leave.

“Anything else?” I look away to read an invoice from our liquor supplier, and a small box is pushed into my line of sight.

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