Page 86 of Playboy Playmaker

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I hang up and take the stairs two at a time, weaving my way through the crowd until I make it to the second floor, which is thankfully less packed and less loud, finding the door Tatum mentioned. I swing it open without knocking and walk inside.

The first thing I see is Caroline lying on the bed with her eyes closed, a soft groan leaving her lips as if she’s in pain. The next thing I see is a guy hovering over her prone body, his hand just above her thigh.

“What the fuck?” I roar, my vision turning red, a poisonous and uncontrollable rage coursing through my veins. I can’t control it.

And I don’t fucking want to.

The piece of shit scrambles up and turns alabaster white. Good, he should fucking be scared. Instantly, I cross the room in two giant steps, grasping him by the collar and lifting him clean off his feet. I want to kill this fucker.

I hear a gasp and turn to see a short, dark-haired girl just inside the threshold, holding an unopened water bottle and a cloth in her free hand, the other covering her mouth in horror. The look on her face tells me everything I need to fucking know.

I turn back to the douchebag struggling in my grasp. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I’m so close to his face I can practically feel the motherfucker shaking in my grip.

He stutters, “She-e… I…”

“I suggest you fucking speak. Use your big-boy words,” I warn.

“He wasnotin here when I left!” the girl cries, stalking forward, “I have no idea who this asshole is, but I left Care alone in here for just a second to go grab her a water. Omigod, did he touch her? I’m so sorry. God, I shouldn’t have left her side.”

So, she’s the roommate.

His throat bobs as he swallows. “I was j-just checking on her.” His voice is a nasally, full-on fucking whine, and it makes me even more enraged. “She was pa-assed out—I just wanted to make su-r-e she was okay.”

My fingers tighten in his collar, cutting off his air supply further, earning a whimper.

I glance toward the bed, directing Tatum with a tilt of my head. “Check on her. How much did she have to drink?”

Her roommate shakes her head. “I don’t understand how she’s so drunk… we only had a couple shots. I just don’t understand.” She presses the damp cloth to Caroline’s head. She’s still fast asleep but groans and turns to the side, curling into a ball.

“Wait… what if someone put something in her drink?” the girl whispers, her gaze darting to the motherfucker I’m two seconds away from killing, and her eyes widen.

Oh fuck no.

Fuck no.

“N-n-o…” he stutters, fear flitting across his face, and when my fist tightens, he looks like he might actually piss his pants. “Holy fuck, no! I was-s just checking on her!”

I’m fucking done with this asshole, with this entire thing, and am raising my fist to beat his goddamn face in when I hear my name being called, soft and shaky, a hoarse whisper that has me snapping out of it. My anger dissipates into thin air.


I drop the asshole on his ass, and he scrambles away on all fours. My girl needs me. I make my way over to Caroline, who moans when I run my hand over every inch of her face, checking to make sure she’s alright.

“Bubblegum. Are you okay?”

She shakes her head, mumbling something incoherent, and I turn to her roommate. “We need to get her home. Did you drive here?”

“No, we walked. It’s only a few houses down.”

I nod, reaching under Caroline and scooping her up into my arms. She burrows into my neck, her hands fisting into my shirt, and I place a gentle kiss to her brow. “Let’s go.”

Tatum turns, flinging the door back open, and I follow behind her, carrying Caroline out of the room. There’s a crowd hovering near the door, curious glances thrown our way as we make our way downstairs.

“Holy shit, that’s Hudson Rome!” someone says. “The Avalanche goalie! He’s alegend! Hey, Playboy Playmaker!”

Chaos fucking ensues.

The crowd thickens around us, but I don’t stop. Not when paper is thrust into my face, not when flashes go off.

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