Page 74 of Playboy Playmaker

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When he finishes, he pulls from my mouth, leaving behind a sticky trail of his cum and my saliva. Lifting his finger, he spreads it on my lips, his heavy-lidded gaze darkening, “I can’t decide what I love more. My jersey on your back or my cum on your pretty lips.”

Holy shit.

This man… his mouth. I squeeze my thighs together as anticipation unfurls inside of me. My clit throbs at just the thought of the look of pure pleasure on his face as he just came in my mouth.

“On the bed, Caroline. I’m nowhere near finished with you.”

A shiver runs down my spine, and I rise from my knees, headedstraightfor the bed, feeling his eyes on me with every step I take.

I lay myself out on his bed, ready for him to take. Pretending or not, tonight I’m going to soak up every delicious moment with this man.



“Are you freaking out? Because I’m freaking the hell out, Rome,” Chaney whisper-yells, his leg bouncing in his seat as we wait for departure on the team plane.

Reed rolls his eyes, leaning across the aisle. “You are so fucking dramatic. The only one who’s worried about anything… isyou, rookie.”

Well, not entirely true, but I’m not making a big deal out of the fact that Caroline will be riding with us to Atlanta and attending tonight’s game. At least I’m not making a big deal of itexternally.

Am I slightly freaking out?

Fuck yes.

But the guys don’t need to know that.

On the outside, I’m the epitome of cool. Everything’s fine.

Pulling out my phone, trying to distract myself, I pull up Wren’s text and quickly type out a message to him. He texted earlier that he got honor roll at school, and I’m proud as fuck of him.

Hudson: Proud of you kid. Going to take you to dinner as soon as I’m home. Keep up the good work!

I notice the time as I close the message and realize that Caroline isstillnot on board.

We’re taking off in the next fifteen minutes, and if she doesn’t get her ass on this plane, it’s going to leave without her.

It wouldn’t be the first time that our captain, Williams, left someone behind. He’s a stickler for punctuality, and if any of us are late, then we have to figure the fuck out how to get there on our own… and then get our asses reamed by Coach for missing the plane.

Fastening my seat belt, I lean back against the seat and close my eyes, drowning my friends’ conversation out.

“Hudson, are you listening to me?” When I look up, Chaney’s practically an inch from my face, his eyes wide. “Do you have a plan? You need to figure this shit out.”

“Chaney, chill the fuck out and sit back. Buckle up. Relax. You’re giving me a headache.”

Huffing, he flops back against the seat, mumbling to himself.

All the guys just laugh, except for Reed, who’s grumbling to himself about having to deal with Chaney for another year.

A few minutes later, just when Chaney’s finally calmed down, Coach walks through the door with Caroline behind him, her overnight bag on her shoulder as she tries to catch her breath.

Her eyes meet mine, and I feel Chaney tense beside me.

“For god’s sake,” he says entirely too fucking loud, but I slap my hand over his mouth to shut him up and offer her a small smile, then purposefully start scrolling on my phone. The way to not draw attention to ourselves is to go on about our business and act like we’re just acquaintances. Like I wasn’t just fucking her from behind in the shower, pulling on her long blonde hair before coming inside of her as she screamed my name.

That’s partially why she’s late, if I had to guess, since she was just putting on her makeup when I walked out of the door.

We agreed that an Uber would be the best idea since we couldn’t just show up at the airport together.

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