Page 72 of Playboy Playmaker

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“Take off your panties, Caroline,” he says, his voice deep and growly.

I swallow, lifting a shaking hand to loop in the waistband, slowly dragging them down my hips and shimmying until they fall in a pool at my feet. I can see how badly he wants me, and not just by the way his cock is thick and pressing against the thick fabric of his gym shorts but by the way he is devouring me wholly with his eyes.

I’m convinced that there is nothing better than being eye fucked by Hudson Rome.

Except actually being fucked by him, which should be a given.

“You have no idea the power you have over me, Caroline,” he husks, bringing his thumb to ghost along my bottom lip before trailing his fingers along the expanse of my chest, my collarbone, the swell of my breasts. My chest heaves as he moves torturously slowly, completely unhurried as he drags his flat palm down the center of my chest.

A smirk tugs at his handsome—too handsome—lips when I shudder beneath his fingers as he continues his slow trail down my body.

I’ve never in my life felt so… wound up. Desperate for anyone’s touch. So tightly strung. Like the finest thread ready to snap at any given moment.

That’s the perfect way to describe what being with Hudson feels like.

Like you’re on the edge of a cliff and desperate to reach euphoria at the bottom of it, no matter if it means plummeting. Regardless of the consequences.

When he leans forward and his warm breath fans across my nipples, goosebumps break out along my flesh, and I lift my hand to reach for him. To finally end this… torturous form of foreplay.

“Not yet,” he whispers, dipping his head lower and flicking his tongue against my sensitive nipple before sucking it into his mouth, then letting go with a pop. “This is mine, Caroline. I want to memorize every inch of this body, and I won’t be rushed. Not even by you.”

God, why is his mouth so… delicious.

“F-fine,” I say shakily, somehow finding my voice despite my head being dizzy from the feeling of his mouth on me.

His tongue laves my aching nipples again, and he spends his time nibbling, sucking each one, and then moving to the other to give it the same attention. Then he leaves a trail of wet kisses up my chest, dragging his teeth so tenderly along my collarbone that I whimper.

He’s slowly causing me to lose my mind.

With each brush of his scruff along my skin, each stroke of his fingers, he leaves me more sensitive than before.

“Hudson,” I plead. Begging him to…touchme. To take this ache away that he’s created.

Finally, he stands tall, bringing his hands to my jaw to cradle it before his lips meld with mine, his grip possessive as he kisses me tenderly yet with more passion than I’ve ever known. He coaxes my lips open and sweeps his tongue inside, stealing the breath right from my lungs.

My heart pounds in my chest frantically, and my pulse flutters wildly when he suddenly tears his lips away to guide me into the massive tub, which is now full of inviting warm water.

“Relax first, Bubblegum. You’re going to need it with the night I have planned for you,” he smirks with heavy-lidded eyes.

“Oh god,” I moan, squeezing my eyes shut as I sink into the water, letting the warmth envelop my entire body until my limbs are loose and languid. When I open my eyes once more, Hudson’s standing over the tub, watching me sink further down into the water.

In the blink of an eye, he pulls the gym shorts around his hips down, along with the tight black boxer briefs that were peeking out the waistband. Scooting me forward, he steps into the water behind me and maneuvers me between his legs, pulling my back against his chest and wrapping his arms around me, his hands resting on my stomach. I fit against his chest perfectly, and I’m convinced that this is the most relaxed I’ve ever been in my entire life.

The warm water, the dim recessed lighting, the soft floral smell of the bubble bath he used. The embrace of the man behind me.

“Today was perfect,” I mumble. “Youare perfect, Hudson Rome. The best not-date I’ve ever had.”

His chest vibrates with his laugh. “Hopefully you let me take you on another non-date one day, Bubblegum.”

“Maybe so, Romeo.”

He slides his large hands from my stomach upward to my breasts, where he kneads lightly, his touch calming me in ways that it shouldn’t, but I don’t question it. I squeeze my eyes shut and exhale the breath I had been holding.

He sits us both up, grabbing the soap and lathering it on the loofah before he begins washing my body, cleaning every inch before moving to my hair, where he massages the shampoo into my scalp gently. His movements are unhurried and thorough, allowing me to relax further into his touch.

The feeling is foreign, someone taking care of me. Handling me like the most delicate thing he’s ever held in his hands. Putting me first.

While his touch is intimate… it’s not sexual.

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