Page 67 of Playboy Playmaker

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When I crackmy eyes open the next morning, the first thing I feel is the sun beating down on my skin, a blanket of warmth tempting me back into sleep one ray at a time.

I stretch my arms above my head, groaning when the sore muscles ripple from a combination of the game and spending most of the night putting Caroline in positions I didn’t even know she could go.

We both finally passed out after three, after exhaustion coated my limbs until I felt like I couldn’t hold my eyes open another second, much to Caroline’s amusement. She could barely keep her eyes open either, but it didn’t stop a lazy, sleepy grin from forming on her lips, her teasing me about being an old man with no stamina. So, then I had to prove her wrong one more time before we crashed.

Sitting up, I drag my hand through my hair, peering around the room and realizing that she’s not in the bed with me.

Then, I smell… bacon.

Is my Bubblegum cooking me breakfast?

Smirking, I walk to the dresser and snag a pair of gym shorts and pull them up my hips. I walk downstairs quietly and realize I was right.

Caroline’s at the stove, wearing my T-shirt from last night, one that falls down her thighs as her hips sway along to the music she’s dancing to, spatula in hand.

For a second, I don’t say a fucking thing. I just watch as she dances and scrambles eggs, oblivious to my presence.

Something so simple, yet when she does it…

It’s mesmerizing.

I make my way over to her, standing a few inches behind her back, and she still hasn’t realized I’m here. “Morning, Bubblegum,” I rasp near her ear.

She rears back, letting out a scream as the spatula falls onto the counter. “Holy shit!”

I chuckle as I lace my arms around her waist, fisting the cotton fabric of my shirt to haul her against me.

“Expected a warmer welcome after how many times you came last night.”

Whipping around to face me, she narrows her blue eyes. “Well, you scared the shit out of me!”

I shrug. “I like watching you like this.” I nod toward the eggs on the stove and slowly trail my fingers up the outside of her thigh, underneath the T-shirt. “Cooking in my kitchen, wearing my shirt…”

Her body sags against mine, her hands linking around my neck, fingering the thin chain. Something I’ve noticed she does a lot that I’m getting addicted to. “Figured you needed to refuel after the game… and last night,” she says saucily.

Trust me, I won’t be forgetting the way she rode my cock… with her ass facing me, taking every inch of me, giving me a full view of her cunt taking my cock.

This wild girl that I’m fucking crazy about.

“Thank you for cooking breakfast for me, Bubblegum. I think this is a first.” I smirk, dropping a quick kiss to her lips before letting her go and walking over to the fridge for orange juice. I set it on the counter and grab two glasses and pour us each one. “Can’t say I’ve ever had a woman cook me breakfast the next day.”

“Shame.” She grins over her shoulder, then turns back to the stove and finishes breakfast. All while I sit at the bar, watching her cook, watching her hips sway, and trying not to get a hard-on.

Pretty sure my cock could get hard watching her do anything.

Once she finishes, she puts food on two plates and sets one in front of me, a sweet smile on her face.

“So.” She joins me at the bar, fork in hand. “What’s the plan today? You fly out again tomorrow right?”

I swallow the bite of eggs, reaching out to place my free hand on her thigh, needing to touch her somewhere. “Yep. But today, I’m taking you on a date.” I feel her tense slightly next to me, so I add, “Don’t freak out that I’m calling it a date. Just two people who like to have great sex enjoying the day together. Better?”

Her eyebrows raise. “Hmm. And do I get to know where we’re going?”

“Nope.” I smirk. “Rather keep it a surprise.”

“I love surprises!”

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