Page 64 of Playboy Playmaker

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There’s something about seeing her pink little cunt leaking my cum. I want to keep it inside of her, every goddamn drop. The possessive side of me loves marking her with my cum.

I’m about to shove my fingers into her mouth to make her lick them clean, when a loud knock on the door has Caroline springing up from the bed.

“Oh fuck,” she whispers, her eyes wide as she turns to the door, “Uh, yes?”

“Caroline, is everything alright in there? We heard loud banging noises. Can you open the door so we can make sure you're okay?”

I quickly get up from the bed, searching for my briefs, but I can’t find them on the floor in my panic.

“Hudson, go… out the window,” she whispers. “That’s our nosy house mother, and she’s not gonna leave without checking that I’m okay. Please, I don’t want to get in trouble with the sorority for breaking the rules when I’m still new here. You have to go.”

“Bubblegum, I’m butt-ass fucking naked with your cum still coating my cock. Help me find my clothes!” I whisper yell, realizing that this situation just got even more insane.

Caroline is now stifling a laugh, and I narrow my gaze, searching for the black briefs I tossed somewhere in the haste of earlier.

“Here!” She tosses my briefs at me, then swipes my phone off her nightstand and tosses that too, shooing me towards the window.

I get my boxers on in five seconds flat, and climb back out the window I just snuck through, turning back to face her once I’m outside. She hastily kisses my lips. “I’ll call you.”

Then she quietly shuts the window, leaving me standing outside with the rest of my clothes still scattered on her floor.

I’m oustide her window in my fucking underwear. In the middle of the night. At a goddamn sorority house with my dick literally still wet with our cum.

Jesus Christ.

I send a text to the only person I know who won’t give me shit, and I start walking in the opposite direction of her house to hide between some nearby trees while I wait for my rescue.

Because what else can I do?

Ten minutes later, a dark mini van with a yellow “baby on board” sticker on the back slows beside my hiding place, the passenger window rolled down, and I don’t even need to fucking glance over to see who’s hanging partially out of the window.

“This must be a real low moment for you,Romeo.” Chaney smirks.

I don’t even fucking look at him, just start walking to the car, my hand covering my junk.

“Really? Youhadto bring him?” I say.

Briggs shrugs. “He was at the house watching a movie with me since Maddison is having a girls’ night. So, I had to bringallof the kids….”

The motorized door slides open, revealing Olive and Dexter asleep in their car seats, and I shake my head, sighing heavily.

Poor Olive is clutching her stuffed bunny in her pink pajamas like her life depends on it, snoring slightly. Dexter’s clearly milk drunk, pacifier half hanging out his mouth, a dreamy and content look on his little face. Hell, I wish I could be him right now instead of having to have my best friend on a search and rescue mission to pick me up from a sorority house half-naked. I didn’t even get to cuddle Caroline after our sexy high.

“You’re never going to let me live this down… are you?” I roll my eyes.

“Nope,” they say in unison, smug smirks on their faces.


Chaney’s grin widens, “Get in, loser, we’re going back to the daycare.”

Chuckling, I climb inside the van, stepping on a book that starts singing the alphabet loud as fuck, causing both Briggs and Chaney to whip around and “shhh” me obnoxiously loud. Even louder than the fucking book. I flop down onto the seat and rest my head against the headrest squeezing my eyes shut.

It just keeps getting fucking worse.

Briggs shuts the door and pulls down the road, silence hanging heavily in the air, the only sound the little snores of the two kids who are thankfully still passed out.

I know my friends want to fuck with me, I can practically feel it in the air. They’re desperately trying to keep it under wraps.

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