Page 45 of Playboy Playmaker

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“Who says that I’m done swimming, Romeo? You’ve got this big slide that’s just calling my name.” I duck under his arms and wade out of the shallow end, closer to the ladder on the back wall of the pool that leads to the massive stone slide.

He pulls back, his eyes shining with amusement. “Is it?”

I nod. “I remember saying race me to…”

Silence passes between us for a moment before he reacts, diving under the water toward the ladder.


I’m closer now… but his strokes are double mine. I dive under the water and kick toward the other side, and when I resurface, I see him leaning against the ladder on his elbows, a smug grin on his face.

“Looks like I won, so… what’s my prize?”

I swim up until I’m pressed nearly against his hard body and lean in as if I’m going to kiss him, only to splash him and quickly lift myself off the side of the pool and out of the warm water.

The cool air shocks me as it touches my skin, and my nipples tighten in response.

Shit, it’sfreezing.I almost second-guess my decision to taunt this big, broody man until I look back and see the wry smile on his lips. “Oh, your ass is mine,” he says, and I giggle, taking off toward the slide that I’ve been eying all damn night.

My ass might be his… but he’ll have to catch me first.

* * *

“You’re ridiculous,you know that? You cheated!” I screech, trying to break free from his strong grip, only for him to tighten his arms around me as he tugs me back toward the edge of the pool with plans to toss me in again.

His lips brush against the shell of my ear, causing me to shiver. “Nah, I’mcreative. Not the same thing.”

I can’t remember the last time I had so much… fun. Withanyone. My stomach hurts from laughing, and even though he cheated, Itotallylet him catch me.

No matter what he thinks.

And it was simply because we stared each other down from opposite ends of the pool, both of us as stark naked as the day we were born, and I tried and failed miserably to stop my eyes from drifting down his toned chest to the ripple of abs that would make even the strongest woman weak.

Hudson Rome makes me weak.

In more ways than I even want to admit to right now.

When his hold on me loosens slightly, I flip around to face him, my arms trapped against my chest and my fingers resting on the broad expanse of his.

The smile fades from his lips and morphs into something completely different. Hunger.

A look that seems to burn through me, causing a fire to erupt in my stomach that I feel all the way down to my toes.

I feelhimeverywhere.

The spot where his fingers dig into my back as he pulls me tighter against him, like our proximity isn’t nearly close enough.

“The chase is the fun part, Juliet. So run all you want. I’ll catch you every time, and when I do…” He pauses, leaning closer until his lips ghost across mine, the smallest, barest touch that sends shivers down my spine and anticipation shooting its way through my core.

“I’m not stopping until you’re panting, writhing, begging for me to let you come. Until you’re desperate in ways you’ve never known.”

“H-Hudson,” I pant while asking myself how one person can have so much power over another the way that he does over me in this moment. “Please.”

I don’t even know what I’m pleading for. Only that I want him, and I don’t want to wait another moment to have him.

With one motion, he swoops down, lifts my naked body into his arms effortlessly, and carries me toward his house. Opening the back door, he breezes through like he isn’t holding an actual person in his massive hands and kicks it shut with his foot, carrying me directly toward the master bedroom.

He tosses me onto the bed, slamming the door shut behind him and stalking forward. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to see you laid out in my bed like this?” he asks, his gaze raking down my body as he takes me in. “And you’re even more perfect than I imagined, inmybed, that look in your eyes that tells me how badly you want to get fucked. You’re a fucking dream, Bubblegum.”

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