Page 37 of Playboy Playmaker

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I’m exhausted, and I haven’t even begun to look over half the syllabi handed out. I simply shoved them into my backpack and decided that ignorance is bliss.

“Welcome to Northwestern, babe,” Tatum laughs. She’s sitting across from me on her bed, painting her toenails a pale pink and listening to Harry.

Yet another thing we’ve bonded over since I moved in.

“What if we go out for dinner after chapter tonight? There’s this taco place a few streets over that is literally the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth, and I mean that in the least sexual way possible.”

My mouth begins to water at the mention of food. I’ve been so busy today that I truly haven’t even stopped to eat. Something tells me that I’m going to be surviving on expresso and energy drinks all semester.

“Please. I haven’t eaten today, and my stomach sounds like there’s something inside it,” I say with my head in my pillow.

Nothing in the world sounds better than a nap right now though. Just five minutes would be all that I need to catch a second wind.

I’m dozing off when my phone pings with a text.

Groaning, I lift my head from the pillow and glance at the notification with sleep-clouded eyes.

Unknown Number.

I swipe open the message.

Unknown Number: Are you playing hard to get, Juliet? You should know that I like the chase most of all.

I jackknife from the bed, my phone fumbling in my hands. It’s him.

Part of me thought that he wouldn’t text at all. Two days of radio silence after our night at the bar and the conversation in his truck where he said he couldn’t stay away from me, kissed me hard, then took me off his lap and demanded I put my number in his phone.

Me: Nope. Just seeing how long it would take you to text. I know you’re obsessed with me Hudson, but obsessions are not healthy.

Hudson: Always with that smart mouth. Ask me what I’m going to do about it the next time I get you all alone.

Me: Are you so sure that there will be a next time, Romeo?

Text bubbles pop and then disappear, only to reappear a few seconds later.

Have I left the infamous Romeo speechless?

A giggle escapes my lips. God, how is this my life right now?

Hudson: There will be because you want me just as much as I want you.

The fact that this insanely gorgeous man wants me despite what’s at stake for him has my stomach in a flurry.

I don’t think I’ve ever been wanted this way in my life, and it’s a feeling I could get used to.

Suddenly, my phone is ripped from my hands, and Tatum is standing over my bed, holding it out of reach when I try to grab it.

“You better spill right now, bitch. You’ve been giggling at that phone like a little schoolgirl for the past five minutes, and I wantallthe details.” When she glances down at the screen and sees Hudson’s name, her eyes widen and jaw drops.

“No fucking way.”

I use her moment of shock to swipe my phone from her hand and lock it before hopping down from my platform bed.

“Tatum, listen to me.” I snap my fingers in front of her dazed face. “You cannot tell a soul, okay? We’re just… friends. Promise me.”

She stutters for a moment. “God, you’re literallytextingwith Hudson Rome. Do you actually realize this right now? Caroline, you have hisphonenumber,” she whisper squeals, practically rocking on her heels in excitement. “Oh my god, not only is he a famous hockey player, he’s like ten years older than you. He’sexperienced.That’s so hot.”

Trust me, I can’t believe this either. Never in a million years did I think that the guy I hooked up with at the practice facility was a freaking famous hockey player. Or that I would ever actually see him again, let alone be flirty texting with him.

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