Page 14 of Playboy Playmaker

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Get it the hell together.

This is a damn disaster, and lusting after a college girl who’s so off-limits it’s not even fucking funny is the last thing that I need. Now or ever.

“Did you know? Please tell me you didn’t know who the fuck I was that night and that this wasn’t some… I don’t know… scheme,” I say, stepping forward until the toe of her worn Chucks grazes mine, my chest heaving with panic. “You’re his fuckingdaughter, Caroline? Or should I call you Juliet?”

Annoyance, followed by anger, flits through her gaze as she crosses her arms over her chest. I ignore the way it pushes her perky, full breasts against the material.

“Oh, that’s rich, accusing me of being some… cleat chaser or whatever the hell you call them. Of course I didn’t know who you were! I don’t know anything about his team. How was I supposed to know you were hisplayer? God, I didn’t even know yourname.If I remember correctly, you were the one who volunteered,Romeo.”

“Because that’s my goddamn nickname!” I whisper yell. It wasn’t a lie; it was just… not the entire truth.

She pauses, opening her mouth and raising her finger before closing it. “Oh, actually, that makes sense.”

Whipping around, I glance behind me at the door, ensuring that it’s still shut. Panic rises in my throat as I think of someone coming through the door and finding out what I’ve done.

I’m not usually this much of an asshole, but the fact that my entire life is flashing before my eyes is making me lose my damn mind. And I just started to feel like I was figuring shit out. Now, I’m knocked on my ass.

“Come on,” I hiss, pulling her deeper into the locker room. “Fuck, this is a goddamn mess. Do you realize what would happen if people find out what we did that night? How completely fucked I would be.”

“Dude, I hadzerointention of ever seeing you again or anyone ever finding out. Don’t you remember? I’m the one who wanted to remain strangers,” she says, her voice laced with irritation. She cuts her gaze to the side, refusing to meet my eyes.

Part of me wants her to face me, to grab her by her chin and force her to look at me after what happened, for her to admit to whatever is still flowing between us right now rather than act like she never gave a shit.

Even though I’m freaking the fuck out and frustrated that I fucked up so royally, I can’t help my body’s reaction to her.

I’m drawn to her. The soft dip in her sides, her scent that is driving me goddamn wild, the memory of how she tasted.

The only thing I need to be doing right now is running for the door, putting space between us and whatever the hell happened that night.

I can’t even believe she’s standing in front of me right now.

“Goddamnit, and you’re in college? Are you even legal todrink?” I say, dragging a hand down my face before my gaze flits back to her.

She shrugs. “Sure. With a fake ID. I’ll be twenty-one… next year.”

I groan, rubbing at my temples, which suddenly ache. Fuck, it keeps getting worse and worse. Coach’s co-ed daughter, and we got drunk on thousand-dollar champagne she can’t evenbuy. “Jesus fucking Christ. You can’t even legally getintothe bar. I’m so fucked. You’re his daughter. Mycoach’sdaughter. And I’m thirty-three. I’m thirteen years older than you.”

I realize I’m rambling, but shit. My hands roam over the short, buzzed hair at my scalp. A habit that never left, even after I cut off all of my hair.

“Thirteen is really not that much… Look, why are you making this a bigger deal than it has to be?” she whisper-yells.

Somehow, in the span of our conversation, her back has hit the wall opposite the door, with me towering over her small frame. Her stormy eyes hold mine in a silent face-off. She may be short compared to me, but she’s a force.

“We hooked up. Lots of people have meaningless sex, and that’s exactly what it was. Meaningless sex, and I barely even came. Not like it wasmind-blowing.So no worries, Romeo—your secret is safe with me.” She says it so sweetly her insult practically drips with the sugar of her words.

So she has a smart fucking mouth, and she’s a liar. Two things I’ve learned in the past few minutes.

“Yeah? Pretty sure you came several times, and one of them was on my fucking face.” My voice is low, barely above a whisper, and laced with things it shouldn’t. I’m thinking things that I can’t be thinking about.

Not my coach’s daughter.

Not a girl that’s thirteen years younger than me, a girl living a whole different life than I am.

But it doesn’t stop my dick from jerking at the thought of the taste of her pussy on my tongue.

“If you want to lie to yourself, fine.” I pause, my eyes dragging over her chest, which heaves beneath my stare until I trail my eyes back up to meet hers. “But I know the truth. I know that if I were to reach into the waistband of those panties, I’d find you drenched, just like you were that night. But whatever happened between uswon’thappen again, regardless of whatever sexual chemistry we have. My fucking career is at stake. This isn’t just some game. I could lose everything. When we see each other at Face-Off, we keep things strictly professional. Okay?”

For a moment, I see the defiance in her eyes, the need to disobey, and part of me wishes that she would. Just so I could be the one to fuck it right out of her.

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