Page 16 of Heartful

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My interest is piqued. I cross my arms over my chest, so they aren’t hanging awkwardly by my sides, and I wait for him to tell me what he needs.

“You said, work-wise, you aren’t really doing anything this summer beyond helping your cousin, correct?”

I frown as I remember what he asked me over dinner and my reply.

“No, not really. I don’t return for teacher in-service training until the end of July, in eight weeks.”

“Considering how you reacted to finding out that we matched and then to what Boris said about us most likely having to go through with this …” He shifts slightly.

My stomach flips at the look on his face. Maybe the way I was feeling over dinner, the change in opinion, was purely one-sided.

“I want to offer you something that I think will make the next six weeks a little more bearable.”

This is weird, and I really can’t figure out where he’s going with this whole line of thinking.

“Tell me already. I’m on pins and needles,” I say, putting an awkward smile on as I rock onto the balls of my feet.

“I want to offer you the position of nanny for my daughter, Ivy.”

The world comes to a screeching halt around me. I’m pretty sure my face drains of color, and a loud whooshing fills my ears as anger thrums through my veins.

In light of this request, the way I was feeling over dinner was definitely one-sided, and I sense mortification rushing over my body along with embarrassment. I sink back down onto the heels of my feet, the wheels in my brain turning as I try to think of an appropriate reply that doesn’t start with fuck and end with you.

What does he think I am? A glorified babysitter? Did he come on this show, trying to find someone to watch his child for a month and a half, all under the guise of finding love?

I know reality shows are silly and a guilty pleasure for some, but he’s making a mockery of me with this request.

“Are you serious right now?” I drop my arms, my hands balling into tight fists, and take a deep breath in and out.

“Very serious. I am willing to pay, of course. I don’t expect you to spend time with me outside of the show. Whenever they are filming, you will have to, of course. Otherwise, you will be employed and not wasting six weeks of your summer vacation.”

Does he think I’m poor and hurting for money?I’m not rich by any means, but I make enough to get by, and I’m definitely not looking for a handout.

“Vicky is leaving us to spend time with her son and his wife, and I’m in a bind now to find a nanny.”

“Here’s a novel idea,” I say, being careful not to clench my teeth or spit out the words. I maintain a facade of calm indifference. “Why don’t you take care of your child?”

Simon’s eyes widen, and he takes a small step back. “Are you upset?”

Maybe I didn’t maintain that facade after all.

“Am I upset? Are you really asking me that? You want to hire the woman you matched with on a dating show as your nanny. That’s a slap in the face to me.”

“I thought you would be pleased.”

“By what stretch of the imagination would that please me? Are you so disgusted with me that you would rather employ me to watch your child instead of getting to know me during the six weeks of this show?”

Simon’s mouth opens, but nothing comes out, and then he closes it again. We stare at each other for a beat longer, and I shake my head, feeling tears gather at the corners of my eyes.

I will not cry.

I blink slowly and purse my lips, my heart hammering in my chest as my nose flares in anger. I turn swiftly and stride away, not saying another word to Dr. Simon Morrow. He doesn’t deserve any more of my attention.

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