Page 92 of The Voices are Back

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But the good thing was, I couldn’t say.

So I kept my hand clenched tight, not showing him the stupid bouquet of pubic hair that I’d made him, and instead, slapped my hand over my shirt.

“Nothing,” I stuttered, forcing the words out despite my tongue’s desire not to work properly.

The feeling came back into my hands, then slowly my feet, and the blushing continued. Eventually, he started to bring his finger up to pull the pocket’s gap a bit wider.

That’s when I finally forced myself to move. Clumsily at first, I all but fell out of his lap into a chair beside him. Luckily, one that Diana had vacated to get to the restroom before she and her man left.

Seeing me start to flush, he twisted, grabbed me around the ass, and then hauled me up onto his back. It was just my luck that this particular position kept me from passing out just like sitting down did. It was my new favorite position to be in ever.

“What are you doing?” I squeaked, unable to put any effort into my words yet.

“Going to have a conversation with you in private, since it seems that you’re having trouble articulating whatever you have in your pocket in public,” he answered.

And, like Folsom was always wont to do, she went and embarrassed me in front of not just the ladies now, but all of their men, too.

“She made you a bouquet of her pubic hair.” Folsom crossed her arms over her chest, ready to defend me to my death. “But she also got you a rabbit’s foot, a horseshoe off a winning Kentucky Derby racehorse, a photo of a shooting star, and a tiny little ceramic elephant.”

“Why?” he asked, reaching backward and snatching the damn thing straight out of my pocket despite the fact that I was all but pressed against his back.

I felt my chest get tight, and I buried my face into the crook of his neck, wishing the world would open up and swallow me whole.

“Because she says you said you have the worst luck, so she was trying to help you have better luck.”

Aodhan softened even further.

He knew me, knew my idiosyncrasies. Knew that I was the weirdest person on the planet.

“I don’t know what to say.” He smiled as he held up the tiny bouquet. “But I kind of like it. I think I’ll tack it to my bike somehow.”

I felt my face flame.

“You never gave me a pubic hair bouquet,” Wake accused Dutch.

“Lalalalala.” Danyetta covered her ears. “I don’t want to hear anything about you and your wife’s pubic hair.”

“You were literally just talking about my wife’s pubic hair yesterday when you asked her to go get a Brazilian wax with you,” Wake countered.

“Oh my god,” someone said from not our table, but one a few down from us. “Do you mind? Some of us are trying to eat. My god, talk to your significant others about personal matters in the privacy of your own bedroom. And Jesus Christ, can you get your hand off of her butt? There are children here.”

I felt Aodhan’s hand squeeze my ass tighter, and could almost see his face as he stared the old lady down.

“I think it’s just fine where it’s at,” Aodhan disagreed. “But would you mind closing your mouth until you’re done chewing? Masticated food grosses me out.”

I started to snicker and couldn’t help it.

Jesus, this was like right out of a comedy show.

The only thing that could make this better would be…

“Well, I tend to agree with her,” I heard my father say. “Do you ever think about the fact that this is how you will go to hell?”

I looked up to find my father staring at me with disgust, his arms crossed over his big, barrel chest.

“What do you mean, this is how she’ll go to hell?” Aodhan snapped.

“Indecent exposure.” He gestured at me, Aodhan’s hand, and my ass. “I’m sure that y’all are fornicating outside of wedlock again as well. Then there’s your ultimate sin.”

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