Page 87 of The Voices are Back

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Yeah, I was ready to go home.

With her.

And I always would be.



-Based on how you read that “hello” will tell you which generation you’re from. Adele, and you’re a Millennial. Lionel Richie, and you’re Gen X.


The bruises on my neck were fading.

Life was surprisingly awesome, actually.

Bowie was putting in more effort with Aodhan. Aodhan had fully taken over the captaining of his friend’s boat permanently—something that had taken a lot of convincing for him to do on my part. Because he was worried about me, and didn’t want to be gone or away from me for long periods of time.

Etienne, one of Aodhan’s good friends and a member of the Gator Bait MC, had taken over the restoration of my coffee shop after a company had come in to clean up the fire damage. And even that was in full swing.

Then there was my apartment building.

Basically, in the last three weeks, I’d moved out.

I hadn’t really intended to move out completely. At first, it’d just been me wanting to spend as much time with Aodhan as I could. And the next thing I knew, I was looking in Aodhan’s closet and the majority of my wardrobe was hung up.

I’d also like to point out that it hadn’t been me who’d done the clothing transfer, either.

While I’d been taking a nap—I did that a freakin’ lot now that I had no coffee shop to go to—I’d woken up to Aodhan dropping off a bag of my clothes between fishing charters.

Then just yesterday, I realized that the only thing that wasn’t in Aodhan’s closet was my winter gear. Winter gear that I rarely used since I’d come home to Accident.

“Are you even listening to me?”

I looked up from the contemplation of my neck and my bruises to find Folsom standing in the bathroom, uncaring that I was naked as the day I was born, with a razor in my hand.

I’d just gotten done buzzing my pubic hair off of my body using Aodhan’s clippers.

And now I was staring at Folsom in the bathroom doorway.

It was unsurprising to me to find her there. A, she had the alarm code now. B, she didn’t even seem to need the alarm code anywhere.

“I wasn’t listening because I didn’t know you were there,” I pointed out. “What’s up?”

She looked at the cute little pile of pubic hair that I’d just shaved off of my body, and then the clippers, followed by the razor that I was now using to trim up the edges.

“I asked what you were doing,” she explained.

I grinned at her and gathered up my pubic hair.

“Well,” I admitted. “I read something the other day, and I know it’s really freakin’ weird, but I figured since Aodhan likes me, he also likes my weirdness.”

I mean, he’d never had a problem with my quirks before, so why would he have any problems with them now?

“Okay, but that still doesn’t explain why you’re gathering up your pubic hair,” she said. “And why you didn’t just go get it waxed like I told you to do.”

She had a point. I could admit that this looked really freakin’ weird, even for me.

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