Page 66 of The Voices are Back

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He frowned, his gaze flicking from me to Morrigan again until something finally dawned.

“You and her?” he asked.

That was directed at me.

“Me and him,” Morrigan said, answering for me. “Just like it’s always been.”

I honestly hadn’t been expecting those words. She could’ve said any number of things, and I would’ve not been surprised in the least. But her admitting it, straight out, that there was something here?

I hadn’t expected that.

Derek’s gaze went to Danyetta again who, might I add, still hadn’t come out from behind Folsom.

I shook my head and said, “So why are y’all here? If not to accuse me of a crime?”

I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, but Morrigan had just said something that was tearing my brain to pieces. I needed to talk to her. I then needed to feel her underneath my hands.

And the best way for that to happen was for everyone to fucking leave.

“I’m here because I was going to play golf with Sunny after this,” Derek said. “And I was going to sit in the car but…”

But he saw Danyetta’s car and came in, thinking he’d get a glimpse of her. Plus, he was a glutton for punishment. Like I’d always been.

Any glimpse of the love of his life, even if she was with another man, was enough to survive on.

I’d had a few of those instances over the years.

But my mistake had been going through Morrigan’s father. He would give me an update on how she was doing—likely lying through his teeth every fuckin’ time I asked—and then would send me some photos of the last time that they’d visited her.

Had any of those photos ever been real?

If I had to guess, maybe not.

“And…” Danyetta finally came out of her hiding spot, a new determination in her spine. “We were just getting to know each other. Morrigan had a tough couple of days, and this isn’t the time or the place for this to happen with her still recovering.”

At her words, I visibly saw Derek flinch.

I’d never gotten the whole story out of Danyetta about Derek.

I knew that they’d had a relationship. I knew that something had happened. I knew that she loved him and would never love another person as long as she lived. But that was about it.

Hell, the reason I’d agreed to have a kid with her had been because I’d seen myself in Yeti.

“We were just visiting,” Sunny said. “Y’all are on the way to the golf course.”

We were. If you made us on the way.

My brows rose at his blatant lie.

I looked at him, watched him flick his head very minutely in Morrigan and Folsom’s direction, and I knew. Whatever he had to say needed to be said without them present.

Got it.

“Well then let me walk y’all out,” I suggested.

Sunny nodded, said his goodbyes, and followed me outside. Derek was a lot slower to do so, but eventually, when Danyetta wouldn’t look at him, he left with a nod to everyone. When we were on the front porch, Sunny’s eyes went out to the area beyond. Derek joined us seconds later, crossing his arms and leaning against the pole next to the front steps.

His gaze looking at everything and nothing before he finally said, “I have a really bad feeling about that nurse being let out.”

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