Page 51 of The Voices are Back

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I didn’t bother to ask how she found out, either. If I’d known that she was in town—and I was still quite flabbergasted that I hadn’t known—I would’ve tried to know everything about her, too.

Someone that is that much a part of your life…you don’t just turn that off inside your soul. It’s a feeling that’s always there in the back of your mind.

It’s like one of those motion sensor floodlights. You go about your day, and live your life. You don’t really remember that it’s there until the memory turns on, and you get blinded with it. Then it stays on, and since you’re still there, thinking about it, causing the memory to turn into another, and another, the stupid light never turns off. Then you’re there, blinded, and unable to function.

“Ouch,” I heard her say, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her trying to choke down a fry, and my rage at what happened to her tonight doubled.

Before I could put much anger into it, though, my phone rang, and she gestured at me to take it.

I did, with my free hand fisted.

I grimaced when I saw Danyetta’s name on the screen.

That could only mean one thing.

“Hey,” she said as soon as I answered. “I know it’s late, but I need you to pick Bowie up from practice. I tried to get there, there was an accident on 95. I can’t get there on time.” Danyetta groaned.

I looked at my watch.

He still had fifteen minutes of practice left, and didn’t need me there for at least another twenty because they usually went over.

“Okay.” I paused. “Do you want me to bring him here? So he can stay the night? Or will you be sooner?”

He did not like to be forced to stay here. But if she was going to be more than an hour, then he’d be forced to stay here.

“I’ll be there in less than half an hour,” she said. “I just don’t want him staying with that creepo of a coach.”

I grimaced.

Bowie’s baseball coach was a bit of a creeper. Though not outwardly intrusive, I just got a vibe from him that screamed, “keep your kid away.”

Bowie loved him, though. Not to mention the team was a good one, and there were some players on there that made Bowie a better player. So, I didn’t want to take him out.

But…still. The coach gave me a bad feeling, and I agreed with Danyetta. I didn’t want Bowie alone with him.

At least when I got there early, the assistant coach was still there.

“I’m going,” I said. “And I’ll drop him off at home with some dinner.”

“I brought dinner from the restaurant.” She paused. “But we know he doesn’t like it anyway. So if you want to take him for food, that’s fine.”

“I’ll ask him,” I said. “Be safe.”

She said she would, then hung up.

When I looked back at Morrigan, it was to see half her fries gone and one in her hand, fully covered in chocolate Frosty.

I’d never gotten into the habit of dunking my fries. I thought it was gross. But I always thought it was endearing when I saw her eat it that way.

Just another one of her quirks that caused me to love her even more.

“I have to go get Bowie from practice.” I sighed. “She’s running late.”

She nodded, then winced.

I felt my stomach drop.

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