Page 49 of The Voices are Back

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Aodhan smirked.

“What about your anal virginity?” Folsom continued.

She never did know when to stop.

Then again, usually neither did I.

It could’ve just as easily been my mouth that came out of than hers.

“No, can’t say that happened, either,” Aodhan said. “I was pretty good at watching my own back.”

“You mean your own backside,” I croaked.

Aodhan shook his head, laughter in his eyes. “Yeah, my backside.”

“Well,” Folsom clapped, “I’ve met the infamous Aodhan. My life is now complete.”

Aodhan brought his brow up in a “you’re something else” look.

Folsom didn’t care, or didn’t even notice. There was no telling with her.

“I have to go back to work. I have to pick my daughter up in an hour, and I still have two more patients to see,” she said. “Remember, if you go visit any of the other wives, and you get in contact with Alice, she’s allergic to dogs. You’ll have to go home and change before you see her.”

My brows rose as Folsom walked away.

I looked at Aodhan to confirm, and he nodded. “She’s deathly allergic to dogs. Like, has to carry an EpiPen around with her in case she’s exposed to one, kind of allergic. Though, I think it’s the dog itself. She still reacts when the dog isn’t actually in front of her, but we try not to chance it. And no, I wasn’t planning on exposing you to all of them at once.”

“Ah,” I rasped.

And why did it hurt so badly that Folsom knew the ‘women’ better than I did? Why did it hurt that I should know them, had Aodhan not broken us, even better than her?

Questions were rolling around inside my brain, and as we rode out of the parking lot of the vet clinic five minutes later, I was still giving Aodhan a lot more space than I did the last time I was on the bike with him.

Again, he noticed.

And again, he didn’t try to push me.

We drove through the bustling streets of Accident, not stopping anywhere until we were on the opposite side of town. There, he pulled into a drive-through and showed that at least he still remembered a little bit about me, i.e., my Wendy’s order, and got me a Frosty and a small fry.

The Frosty might actually get eaten. I wasn’t sure I could handle the fry.

But, since I liked to put all my fries into the Frosty, stir it up, and eat it, I might be able to get a few down.

He placed my Frosty and the small bag of fries into a cup holder on either side of his body that I couldn’t see, then continued driving toward what I suspected was his home.

I had my suspicions confirmed five minutes later.

He pulled into the driveway of a house that made my heart ache.

Once upon a time, I’d told him exactly what I dreamed about living in when I grew old, and now there he was, living in it.

He got off the bike and offered me his hand, but I acted like I didn’t see it as I got off with my head bowed and my eyes downcast.

He grabbed my dinner, my overnight bag, and together we walked toward his front door.

When he opened his door with a few electronic beeps of his keypad, I stopped on the threshold and blinked.

I was expecting a house that looked lived in.

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