Page 17 of The Voices are Back

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I leaned my head slightly to the left, allowing my long, silken locks to trail over his fingers, and he wasted no time burying said fingers into my hair.

At first, all he did was run his fingers through it.

But then, he started to wind a perfect curl around his finger, twirling and twirling and twirling.

He played with my hair for the entire movie, and the longer the movie went on, the more he’d wind his finger, reeling me in closer and closer until eventually I was pressed fully against his side.

It was the best day of my life.

• • •

“Let go of my hair,” I rasped.

His eyes looked stricken after I asked, and I closed them as I tried to struggle to sit up.

He helped me, once again using his big body to help prop me up.

But this time, I struggled straight to my feet, feeling my limbs come back online one by one.

“Whoa,” he said as he stood with me. “You shouldn’t be moving so fast just yet.”

I avoided his fingers and his attempt to get me to stay, and said, “I really have to go.”

I looked at my watch and groaned.

I had five minutes to get to the shop before the morning rush started.

“Are you sure you should be leaving?” Aodhan asked, sounding off.

I took a few tester steps, knowing that if I stayed, things would get bad again.

That was just the way it was with me. There was no limit to how many episodes I could have.

But if I could get to my shop, deliver the milk, and get a seat…well then I might be able to make it through the rest of the day.

I smiled at him sadly as I said, “Thank you again, Aodhan.”

With that, I pulled my keys out of my pocket, got into my car that was only a few steps away, and prayed that I was recovered enough to drive.

How does one like me drive, you ask?

Because when I’m sitting down, I don’t pass out.


Which is really freakin’ weird, but it is what it is.

That’s how I warranted getting a driver’s license and staying on the road.

I could also read that question on Aodhan’s face, as if he wasn’t quite sure he should let me go.

Well, before he could answer that question rolling around in his brain, I started my car and backed out of my spot.

I didn’t look back.

There was no point.

My past was my past, and it needed to stay there for my sanity.

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