Page 100 of The Voices are Back

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My vision darkened even more, and my last waking thought was “Bowie.”


I look like I’m trying to help, but in actuality, I’m pressing the “elevator close” button as fast as I can.

-Aodhan to Morrigan


Party girls. The life of the party. Always wanting to go, go, go, and do, do, do.

That just wasn’t Morrigan.

I couldn’t wait to get home and find her in bed.

I was early. As in, two hours early, because the family that’d booked the charter with me had asked to go back early due to their son having a puking problem for the majority of the overnight trip.

I’d obliged, and now I was not only early, but I was bringing food home, and couldn’t wait to surprise her with not only the food, but me in the bed.

My thoughts were on Morrigan as I pulled out of the donut shop’s parking lot.

I just loved when I walked in on her sleeping.

Dating and loving a sleepy girl, I never had to worry about what she was doing, where she was at, or who she was with. Why? Because I knew exactly where she was, at any given point in the day.

At home. Asleep.

It didn’t escape my notice, either, that she loved being at home all day, every day.

Sure, she loved going out and spending time with people outside of the house, but ultimately, she was a homebody, through and through. She enjoyed being at home, lazing around in bed, and watching movies on the couch.

Even better if I was there with her.

I was all but whistling in excitement to see my girl when I pulled into the driveway with the donuts and chocolate milks that I’d purchased.

When I opened my front door, however, I didn’t see who I expected to see.

“Hey, Bow,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

And why are you not at school?

Not that I cared that he was in my house. I actually kind of liked it.

But I hadn’t expected to see him.

“Mom had an emergency at the restaurant and she dropped me off last night,” he answered. “And we only had a half day at school today, and Mom said it was absolutely pointless to go. So she said I could take the day off.”

I grinned. Sounded like a plan to me.

I never could quite understand what the point of half days was. They seemed like they were a waste of time.

“Where’s Morrigan?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“She got up about an hour ago, but she had a bad night last night, I think,” he answered. “She said she was tired, ate too much, and needed to burrow into her cave for the night. We watched a movie for about thirty minutes before she fell asleep. I heard her moving around this morning already, but she said she was going to get some payroll done before she came down.”

I looked at the screen to see him playingBattle Zone. Something that was new that he’d never played before about two weeks ago. Not that you’d know it. Now, he was well past “good” into “professional gamer” territory. But I suppose that was what happened when you were a certified genius and decided to put your focus into something.

“Ah,” I said. “Try to get to bed before midnight tonight, though, okay?”

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