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Chapter 13

Her shoulder pulsated with pain, a constantding-ding-dingthat annoyed her more than it rendered her immobile. Nicola gritted her teeth and tried to ignore it until the wave washed away and she could think again. The pain would come back at the next random moment, which meant she had limited time until it did—which meant it was time to get this ball rolling faster than ever.

“Is that all, sir?”

“Yeah, sure,” Pan said, brooding over the new glass she’d brought him. Something was bothering him, and normally she would have been the most gleeful about it. But an advantage was an advantage.

“Okay, sir...Pan. I can still call you Pan, right, after our not-so-ideal first meeting?”

The man looked up, absorbed in his musings, before his expression cleared. He regarded her slowly.

“If you mean carelessly discarding me after meeting my boss, then sure. Not that I could blame you about that, considering who he is.”

“The pirate lord,” she confirmed. “Anyone would have chosen him firsthand.”

“Hmm. Isaiah the Great, though...”

A scowl glissaded over Pan’s lips, his expression turning dark.

“That was a mistake. He was a mistake,” she blurted out, then sat across from him when she caught his full attention.

“Was he?”

“It turns out he wasn't as great as he led everyone to believe.”

Pan pursed his lips. His eyes widened when he got what she was saying. Delight formed, then disgust…then, the same hint of interest.

“I heard you screaming when he took you in that closet. Was that fake?”

She shrugged, trying not to react to the way her skin crawled. “He has skilled fingers. That’s all he has going for him.”

“Hmm. I bet I could make you scream louder. With my dick, of course.”

She licked her lips and hid her hand behind her, fighting the urge to swipe until he bled. “I bet you could.”

Pan considered her for a long time, still not trusting her flirtation fully. She didn’t persist, leaving the table and accommodating the other customers—including Ruby, who was huddled in a corner and giving her exasperated looks. Nicola ignored it and started with her motions when she caught Pan observing her: a little bending to pick up the glass she dropped, reaching above her to hitch her skirt up, and some more bending to present her cleavage. It didn’t take long for the man to stride over and take her elbow.

“Take a break,” the man ordered.

“You know, your captain would have asked nicely,” she protested, then smiled. “But if fucking you would get me on good terms with him….”

That was enough for Pan as he dragged her away, skipping the closet and ushering her to the back of the alley. She arched her neck and tried not to shudder when he kissed it, then giggled loudly and turned when he tried to paw her breasts. A murderous rage swept over her when he pawed her behind instead, then pushed her harshly when she instinctively protested.

“Too late to change your mind, you whore,” he hissed, breathing erratic as he unzipped his pants. “Don’t fight this. Bend over and take me, or I will kill you here—”

A second later, his eyes rolled over his head and he swayed on his feet. Nicola seized his body and slammed him against the wall, holding him by the neck.

“You know, I could have just used my skills on him,” Ruby announced, stepping out of her hiding spot behind a garbage bin. “Or we could have just knocked him down instead of this elaborate plan.”

Nicola snarled. “The bastard tried to assault me.”

“I saw that.”

And she was so tempted to retaliate…if only there was no urgent matter at hand.

“But we can’t risk him finding out and the whole crew catching on. They think he’s having sex now. We need that alibi. Keep this short.”

“He looks short.”
