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“Crazy, but I agree with you on that one.”

“Oh? And how would you know what to be cautious over when it comes to the ocean?”

“I used to travel with scholars. I explored the Otherworld and enjoyed what I discovered thoroughly. As I said, I wasn’t lying about my adventures.”

Heat singed his skin where she continued rubbing, and suddenly he wanted to be on the receiving end of her stories. But he wanted to be closer to her more, and instinct dictated his body before he could mull over it, crowding her in. She stopped moving, frozen when his head came down to sniff her neck. Delight blossomed that she smelled of the bath soap he had delivered to her cabin two nights ago: oranges, subtle and creamy.

“Is this your first time riding a pirate ship?”

Her pupils dilated, and his fingers traced her palm in turn. She hesitated.

“I was supposed to go with one before. A wild ride when I thought I was free of responsibilities.”

“And now?”

“I have even more responsibilities. But I suppose this could be my wild ride.”

He grinned, unable to help it. Her attention snapped there.

“Then you are more than welcome to this wild ride.”

His fingers trailed up, tracing her elbow.


The switch of names stunned his senses, her hushed voice forming a line directly to his cock. Stupefaction kept him silent, but there was no resistance from the way he hardened in his trousers as desire took him in a chokehold. Still, he tried not to growl.

“What is it, darling?”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Then what do I call you?”

Sweetheart came to mind, and he was reminded of that sweet smile all over again. His gaze flitted to her plush mouth, urging him to lower his head and just…take. He was a pirate, and pirates took. He could ravage that mouth until she opened up to him, and he could find out if she tasted as good as he imagined. The longing hit him so distinctly, a visual attack of the tough, wary vampire melting under his touch and giving as good as she got.

The knock on the door had them jumping apart before she came to her senses and scrambled back into her wig. It took him longer to tuck away the arousal blurring his critical thinking, but Isaiah managed to get it in order as he barked out in response. Marko’s expression upon walking in put him on alert immediately.

“What is it?”

“A missive flew in.”

That was all it took for every bit of arousal to leave his system, washed off by an ice-cold sensation. He strode to take the letter, which he knew had gotten there only because the sender knew the ship’s permanently engraved coordinates. Each ship had them, a separate entity from island coordinates and a form of communication for some. But only one person knew of his ship’s coordinates.

Hey, you. I heard you have a jewelry collection from one of the shifters you visited in Calassius. I was hoping to have a look at it.

The friendly words didn’t fool him one bit as he gave Marko a sharp look. “He’s searching for us. Double-check the perimeters and make sure our defense system is in place. Alert me the moment you spot something odd.”


“Don’t ask questions and come with me, boy,” Marko scolded Nicola. “We have work to do.”

Instantly, Nicola became Nic as she nodded agreeably and raced after the second-in-command without sparing him a backward glance. He stayed where he was, gathering his ruminations as he visualized the ship, going over what they had and didn’t have. Nicola crossed his mind for a second or two, their moment an intimate memory that caressed him.

When he left his cabin, he got to the task at hand even while he cursed how right he was about those stupid calm seas.

Three days went by with no news and no sighting, but they veered from their original course all the same. On the fourth day, that changed.

“Captain, there’s something ahead.”
