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When I’d done as he instructed, he pulled me closer, parting his legs and leaning me up against his chest as we both sank into the couch a bit. His erection was against my lower back, and when I rocked against it slightly, he let out a low growl that made my toes curl.

The movie was still playing, but neither of us was paying a single shred of attention to it.

“Do you remember when you sat on my face?” He growled at me, lightly cupping my core with his massive palm. I arched against him, fighting the urge to command him just to grab me.

“Which time?” My voice strained a little.

“The last one. Describe it to me.”



“You woke me up with your face between my thighs,” I said, and he rewarded me with a stroke to my clit, against the fabric of the shorts.

I groaned, rocking my hips, but his hand paused again.

He wanted me to keep talking, to get closer to the edge.

Damn him.

“I lost it, and you told me that wasn’t enough. You rolled us over, and set me on your face. Your chin dug into my ass while you licked my clit.” He started stroking me again, the touches rougher than usual because of the fabric separating us. I wanted his skin on mine, but knew that wasn’t going to happen.

When I got distracted by his touches and stopped talking, he stopped petting me.

A groan escaped me, and when I started talking again, I was panting. “I lost it again, and then leaned forward and wrapped my lips around your cock. We got each other off that way, and then you put me on my hands and knees. You filled me up, so fucking full. It was too much, and I lost control as you slammed into me, losing yourself inside me.”

“That’s fucking right.” He bit down on my covered shoulder, pushing harder against my clit, and I shattered with a cry, rocking against him. He throbbed against my back, and I felt the fabric between us grow damp.

I struggled for breath. “Hot damn.”

“Fuck, I want to touch you,” Axel growled into my ear.

“We should probably watch the movie instead,” I said, feeling dazed.

“Damn you for being reasonable.” He dragged me into his arms, clutching me tightly to him. Neither of us cared that we were a bit, uh, messy.

“Soon enough, I’ll be so fucking in love with you that your magic won’t keep us separated anymore,” he said, into my ear. “Prepare to be fucked and cuddled, Mo. I had more than enough of you refusing to snuggle with me for a damn lifetime during the climax. You’re mine now, in every way.”

My eyes stung a little, and I didn’t respond.

What could I possibly say, when I still felt like there was a damn good chance he’d change his mind about being with me at all?


The next day,we headed out bright and early to go shopping. There was a larger variety of stores in the nearest city, which was around an hour away, so we didn’t bother shopping in Moon Ridge.

I probably should’ve expected it, but Axel dragged me right to the pants section the moment we arrived in the store. He filled a cart with shit for me to try on while I wandered around, looking for things that caught my eye. I didn’t like anything super girly, with flowers or lace, so I avoided that shit. But I’d read about how comfortable leggings were, so I put a bunch of different styles of those in the cart too.

None of the tops really caught my eye, and Axel had thrown such a massive variety of them into the cart already that I didn’t bother grabbing any more.

Trying things on took forever. Axel made me show him every single item, so after the first few times, I just dragged his muscular ass into the changing room and sat him down on the small bench inside it.

The way he watched me said he definitely didn’t mind the insane number of times I had to take my clothes on and off.

The more things I tried on, the more I decided that leggings were just as glorious as the internet proclaimed—and the more I realized that I really loved my simple tank tops.

When I told Axel the bad news, he took it better than I expected.
