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He turned the TV back on, and we ate together while we watched, our elbows bumping every now and then.

As stupid as it sounds, that simple contact gave me the damn butterflies.


We spentthe rest of the day laying around, bingeing a TV show, and eating a disgusting amount of food. Everything Char had brought was gone by the time the sun went down.

“What are we going to do for dinner?” Axel mused, walking those long legs and that gorgeous ass of his over to the pantry. “Shit, I haven’t restocked this. How did I forget to do that?”

“You were busy running away from me,” I reminded him, heading for the stove. “We can just do pasta again.”

“We had spaghetti for lunch.” He glanced over at me. “Why would we eat it again?”

I shrugged, and lied. “Pasta is the best.”

His eyes narrowed at me. “Does this have something to do with the canned shit you were eating in your old apartment?”

“No,” I said too quickly.

His eyes narrowed further.

I carried the pot over to the sink and started the water to fill it up.

“Mo,” he warned me, his voice getting all growly in the way that made my toes curl just a little bit.

I had to at least give him half an answer. “Pasta is cheap. It just seems silly to waste money on food that costs more, when pasta is an option.”

He stepped over to me and plucked the half-filled pot out of my hands, setting it off to the side of the sink before turning off the faucet.

Then he stepped between me and the counter.

The sides of our socked feet pressed against each other.

So did our chests.

“Morgan,” Axel said, in that stupidly attractive voice.


“Fuck, it’s killing me not to touch your face right now.”

My cheeks heated.

“I need you to look at me, Mo.”

I lifted my eyes to his, slowly, so he knew I wasn’t going to give intooeasily when he started bossing me around. I mean, I would give in. That bossiness was hot. But I’d be slow about it.

Our gazes collided.

“I am not a small man. Werewolf genes are responsible for that, for the most part. Genes which you now have.”

I wasn’t sure that was entirely accurate, but wasn’t about to argue with him over something that small.

“Do you know what happens to a werewolf who doesn’t eat enough?” he asked me.

I blinked. “No.”

“They shrink. Their body basically cannibalizes itself. Do you think that’s something I’m okay with yours doing? Or mine, for that matter?”
