Page 17 of Unholy Sins

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We walked side by side, slowly toward the buildings. I put my hands in my pockets, digging them in deep. “It’s honestly not a problem.”

She stared at me incredulously, but there was also curiosity in her eyes. “Did you not hear what I said? I totally objectified you. I’m surprised God didn’t just strike me down for disrespecting you on your holy lands.”

I chuckled at her dramatic ideas. “That’s not really how it works.”

“Still. I shouldn’t have said that. My kid isn’t nearly as rough around the edges as I am, I promise. Don’t give her a D because I’m a dick.” She clapped a hand over her mouth, then mumbled from behind it, “Sorry. Again.”

I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling. “So you apologize for being crass but not for punching me in the face when I’m just trying to save you from creeps?”

She grinned. “Sounds about right.”

“Duly noted.” I pointed toward the childcare center that had only opened a few weeks earlier. “Would you like a tour?”

She stifled a yawn, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. “I’m sure Katherine already had someone tell her everything.”

“But you’re Amelia’s mother. I’m sure you have questions…”

She made a little ‘oh’ noise when she yawned for the second time.

“…Or it can wait until pickup time, after you’ve had some sleep.”

In the light, the dark circles beneath her eyes were evident. An uncomfortable feeling settled over me, seeing them this close up. She didn’t take care of herself and didn’t seem to have anyone to do it for her. I hated seeing people in need. I just wanted to fix things for them. I wanted to pick her up, tuck her against my chest, and carry her to a bed. Then stand guard outside the door for however long she slept, to keep anyone from waking her.

The idea of punishing her for not taking care of herself popped into my head again, but I banished it before I could think about all the impossible ways I’d like that scenario to play out.

Lyric nodded wearily. “I’ll just say goodbye to Amelia. If you’re still around this afternoon and can spare a minute to show me the place, when I can actually see through my bleary eyes, then that would be great.”

I hated how exhausted she seemed. And the fact she was going to get back in her car and drive home.

But before I could voice a protest, she’d ducked inside the childcare doors. I followed close behind.

On the other side of the doors, Katherine and Lleyton were on their way out.

“She’s loving it,” Katherine told Lyric. “I knew she would. This center will be so much better for her, just wait and see.”

Lyric’s gaze bounced around the room for her daughter, but it was Katherine she spoke to. “We’ll see.” Her gaze flickered to Lleyton. “Do you plan on paying the bills for this one?”

He scowled at her. “You could always help, you know, if you have so many opinions on the subject.”

Lyric stared down at her feet.

Lleyton sighed, his voice softening. “See you soon, okay? We need to talk about my custody arrangement.”

She lifted her head sharply. “What about it?”

“It’s outdated,” Katherine supplied. But then she noticed I was still standing behind Lyric and cleared her throat. “Anyway, that’s a private matter, best not discussed in public. We’ll talk soon. But in the meantime, you're welcome.”

Amelia spotted Lyric and came running, which was just as well, because Lyric looked ready to murder her ex’s new partner.

I held the door open for Lleyton and Katherine, while Lyric swept Amelia into her arms.

“What do you think of this place?” she whispered. “You say the word, and I’ll rustle you outta here. We’ll take to the road like Thelma and Louise. Just you and me. No one will ever find us.”

Amelia giggled, patting Lyric on the face. “You’re silly. Can I stay? They have musical instruments, and the lady said I could choose whichever one I wanted to play.”

Lyric kissed her daughter’s head. “Sure thing, Slugger. You go bang some drums. I’ll be back to pick you up at three.”

Amelia ran off happily.

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