Page 73 of Evil Enemy

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Or maybe it was the sense of security sleeping in Boston’s arms gave me.

“Phone is ringing.” I tried to extricate myself from the mess of limbs, but he threw a leg over me, clamping down and nuzzling in even closer. His morning erection prodded against my ass in a way that promised a good time.

“Leave it. I’ll make it worth your while.”

I twisted in his arms and grinned at him. “I don’t think I can handle any more of that just yet. I don’t even know if I can walk straight.”

“Good,” he murmured against my lips. “Then everyone will know what we spent all night doing.”

I pushed at his chest. “You like the idea of everyone knowing?”

“Fuck, yes,” he growled. “I want everyone knowing you’re my girl.”

I stilled in his arms.

When I didn’t say anything, he finally opened his eyes. “What? Is it my morning breath?”

His morning breath actually wasn’t bad at all. “I’m your girl?”

A tiny hint of a blush pinkened his cheeks, and it was all sorts of adorable. He lifted up on one elbow and stared down at me. “I want you to be. So I guess it depends on you.”

His gaze was so intensely vulnerable that it broke my stony heart wide open. “You’re not embarrassed I’m a stripper?”

His eyebrows knit together. “Are you embarrassed I’m a cop?”

“Of course not. But you’re an upstanding citizen. I get arrested on a semi regular basis, and to be honest, I can’t promise that’ll stop. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not very good at playing by the rules. I’m not sure your friends on the force are going to like you dating me.”

“Who I date is none of their business. And believe me when I say that being a cop doesn’t make you a good person.”

“Being a stripper doesn’t make you one either.”

“Maybe not, but you are, Eve. Don’t think I haven’t noticed what you’re doing here. Running this club and your employees like you’re some mother hen, and feeding half the neighborhood. You throw this badass image out to the world with your sassy mouth and give-no-fucks attitude, but I think you’re a bit of bleeding heart on the inside. You even gave William Reed’s kid a place to come if he needs help. The poor kid probably does, with parents like his.”

It took me a second to remember the business card I’d slipped into Dylan Reed’s hand. “He told you about that?”

“I noticed it on his desk when I was doing a sweep of their house the other day and asked him about it. The whole thing came tumbling out.”

The phone started ringing again from deep within the silent club. “I should get that.”

“Not until you answer my question. You gonna be my girl, Evil?”

I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. I leaned in and kissed him hard. “Yeah, Joshua. I am.”

He rolled onto his back and fist pumped the air in victory as I got off the couch and strutted to the door completely buck-ass naked.

“There better be no one out there,” he growled.

I winked at him over my shoulder, knowing full well the club would be completely empty at this time of day. My staff knew what they were doing. They would have closed up hours ago. I moved through the main room, noting the sticky floors beneath my feet and making a mental note to mop them after I went home and had a shower. But the phone rang incessantly, and I picked up the pace, hurrying until I was almost running to my office. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around myself before I slid behind the desk and picked up the phone.

An unintelligible babble of words blasted through the speaker, so loud and fast that not only did I not understand a word of it, I held the phone well away from my ear to avoid going deaf. “Mama!” I shouted. I tried bringing the phone back to my ear, only for her to start yelling again.

“I am so embarrassed of you, Eve! How could you do this to me? A penis party?”

I sighed, rolling my eyes, annoyed I’d gotten out of bed with Boston for this. As usual I was a disappointment to my mother. What was new?

“William is a good man! An upstanding member of the community, and you just humiliated him! You stuck penises on the man’s face and broadcast it all over the internet! You’ve brought shame on this family yet again.”

All the good feelings Boston had extracted from my body in the past twenty-four hours disappeared into a storm of annoyance. I was so sick of this shit. This was all our conversations boiled down to now. How I was the black sheep. Never the good child. I always did the wrong thing.

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