Page 51 of Evil Enemy

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I got up and left the room without a word, disgusted with all of us.



“Eve, you need to come look at this.”

I stopped in the doorway to my office and peered over the top of my monitor to where Fawn sat behind my desk. “What’s up?”

I didn’t enter the room. I’d kind of been avoiding it ever since my argument with Boston. Every time I’d tried to sit in here and get some work done, I started thinking about texts, and then I started thinking about the videos we’d sent each other, and that was a one-way ticket to horny town. I just didn’t need that right now.

So I’d handed off some of the admin work to Fawn, pretending I had other things to fill my time.

I didn’t. It just gave me more time to think about him, and how he was coping after losing his partner, and how I still kinda wanted to punch him in the throat. Asshole.

Fawn motioned me around to her side of the desk and tapped one fake fingernail against the monitor. “Trolls.”

She had one of our social media pages pulled up, where we were advertising our upcoming Pin the Penis on the Politician party. Or the Triple P Party as we’d taken to calling it. I leaned in and squinted at the screen. We had hundreds of comments and tags. We’d been monitoring them fairly closely, knowing we’d probably get some hate, too, but then the Boston thing had happened and I’d lost focus. Now there was a ton of troll-like comments.

I heard they have rats. And herpes.

Someone I know got food poisoning there and spent a week in the hospital.

This is so tasteless. If you have any class at all you’ll show your support for Mayoral Candidate William Reed by attending his fundraising gala that night and donating generously.

I grew increasingly pissed off as I read through each one. But it was the last one that really ate at me. I commandeered the mouse from Fawn, recognizing the poster’s name. “Is this woman for real?” I searched Laura Reed’s profile, scrolling through her friends list and matching names up with the troll comments on my page. “She’s got all her friends posting shit on my event. What is this, high school?”

“You could post some stuff on hers. Not that her page is getting much traffic so nobody will see it but her.”

“Not my style.” I grabbed my keys from the desktop.



Fawn folded her arms across her chest and leaned back in the chair. “I know what your style is. You’re going to go confront her in person, aren’t you? Don’t do it. We can just delete the comments.”

“It’s not just the comments. There was a letter, too. And like you said, it’s not my style to hide behind a keyboard. Plus, I have a beef with William Reed that hasn’t been settled. Perhaps I can kill two birds with one stone.”

Fawn gaped at me. “You aren’t really going to kill…”

I cocked my head to one side. “Really?”

Fawn shrugged with a small smile. “You never know with you. You’re a bit of a loose cannon.”

I winked. “If anyone’s looking for me, I’ll be back in an hour. Now get off social media and get that bookkeeping done before I get back.”

She nodded seriously. “Got it. All books will be balanced within the hour. Unless I screw it up.”

The woman had no faith in herself. I hated whoever it was who had made her feel like that. “You won’t. You totally got it. See you soon.”

I left her in the club, locking the main doors behind me so nobody could wander in hoping for a midday lap dance and terrify Fawn. It only took fifteen minutes to drive across Saint View and into Providence, and then I was pulling into William and Laura’s neatly paved driveway and parking behind their Porsche.

Ugly fucking car. So pretentious. The devil on my shoulder whispered that running my keys along its shiny paint job might be fun. But I didn’t listen to her anymore.

Well, not as often.

Laura’s shiny paint remained intact.

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