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An image slowly formed. She saw three ships, two with malformed hulls and gaping holes. “Is this our target?”

“Yes.” Draven said nothing more.

She had no idea when he’d flown out to Torret or if the image had been passed to him by one of the recon teams. It didn’t matter. Power triads were all about trust. If Draven trusted the accuracy of the image, that was good enough for her.

“Focus on the ships,” Draven directed. “Then gradually expand the scene. Use it to locate our target.”

“Understood,” Noratu said.

Draven must have sent him the image too. Her heart started racing, so she took a deep breath, calming her nerves and centering her mind. She focused on the three ships, picturing as many details as possible. But she didn’t close her eyes. Over the last few weeks, she had spent hours learning to tune out her surroundings and perceive objects, locations, and people with psychic sensitivity rather than conventional senses.

Sinking deeper into her mind, Draven smoothly exerted more control over the meld.That’s right, firebird. Let me in.

Her mind immediately filled with other images, sensual memories. She pictured all the times and places she had let him into her mouth and needy pussy, even her tightly puckered ass. Warmth washed over her and she stifled a moan.

Stay on task, he cautioned.If you are a very good girl during our mission, we will reward you once we get home.

She nodded and pushed the memories to the back of her mind.

The three ships formed again, the image fuzzy at first then clearer. She struggled to follow Draven’s directions, finding the other images much more interesting.

He reached down and squeezed her butt cheek. The discomfort flared, making her gasp. The sensual haze cleared, allowing her to focus. His hand remained on her ass, a possessive reminder as well as a subtle warning. He was in control and he expected his orders to be followed.

She drew back from the ships, expanding the scene as she went. The recycling center came into view and then the entire moon.

Draven returned his hand to the back of her neck and gently squeezed. “Ready?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered as more of his energy flowed into her mind. She remained focused and still, allowing him to target the weapon. Noratu compressed the energy, creating a highly concentrated stream. They all had separate functions and yet they worked together, supporting each other mentally as well as physically.

Hobak skillfully brought the ship out of hyperspace in perfect alignment with the moon.

Spotting the ships, Flora pushed energy out through the middle of her chest. Her skin stung and her breasts ached as pressure built inside her. She felt a moment of resistance as the stream encountered the hull. Then a strange rushing as if she’d been catapulted from the ship. Glowing streaks of light arced through space, speeding toward the ships. The first one erupted in a conflagration that quickly encompassed the other two. She gasped, but Draven was already adjusting the intensity of the stream. They worked together, containing and controlling the energy. The ships were destroyed, yet everything around them remained unchanged.

“Well done,” Hobak said as the ships were reduced to shapeless mounds of glowing metal. Portions were hot enough to liquefy.

On impulse, Flora blanketed the area in water to make sure the fire didn’t spread. It pooled in a shallow circle around the ships, creating a protective moat.

The triad remained focused on their task until all three ships were unrecognizable, then Flora pulled back the energy stream. She eased out of the meld and rolled her shoulders, feeling fatigued and shaky.

Noratu pulled her into his arms, a beaming smile on his face. “You were amazing, mate.”

She smiled then turned her head and looked at Draven, hoping to find similar approval. His expression was intense and concerned. She didn’t understand the reaction until she heard Hobak call out.

“Arm the forward array. Fire at will!”

She snapped her head back around, eyes widening as she took in the developing scene. Torretian fighters launched off the moon and swarmed toward the Altorian ship. Hobak scooted to the edge of his seat, clearly having no intention of moving aside for Draven.

Noratu took her by the arm and led her to one of the seats along the outer wall. He urged her down onto the seat then stood behind her, bracing himself against the chair back. Draven stood at her side. He didn’t seem overly concerned about Hobak’s decision to remain in control. This would soon be Hobak’s ship.

They pitched and swayed as the navigator evaded the fighters. The shields absorbed most of the energy, but occasionally a blast would jar the ship.

“Should we arm the plasma cannons?” someone asked urgently.

Hobak glanced at Draven then shook his head. “They achieved their objective. Prepare to jump to hyperspace.”

“Yes, sir.”

Noratu squeezed her shoulders a few minutes later, drawing her attention away from the bridge crew. “You did incredibly well, firebird.”

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