Page 8 of His Lucky Paige

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“It won’t reach the depth we need,” Doug argued. “The bit will get stuck in that rock.”

“They’ll be here in about an hour,” she assured the group.

“An hour?” Mike said with a bit of shock. “You’ve only been here a few yourself.”

“I called my guys while waiting on the helicopter they were close, so we’ll be ready when they get here,” she stated. “I need everyone to get things ready to transport over to the dig site.

“Come on,” she added when they stood still. “That’s our family down there guys. I don’t particularly relish the idea of a mass funeral so unless you want my anger directed at you, move it,” she ordered.

“You heard her,” Mike said pushing the men nearest him into action. “Get your gear.”

“I must admit you haven’t lost any of your pull around here,” Doug said to her with a hug.

“Can’t have them thinking that just because I’m a woman I don’t know what I’m talking about,” she sighed as the room cleared.

“You know the mine well for someone who doesn’t work in it,” Gus stated surveying her work.

“I guarantee I could find my way through it blind,” she told him. “I grew up in this place I know every twist and turn that would have been put in because I know the men who set up the plans.”

“You think you can make this work?” he questioned pointing at the map.

“There’s no thinking,” she said more confidently than she truly was. “Since it seems that you don’t have any relevant ideas or knowledge to help me get them out why don’t you go and wrangle the press that’s outside the gates. I don’t want my guys waiting to get in because they’re in the way. And when you’re done with that check on the families and let them know that currently everyone is accounted for.”

“I’m not your errand boy,” Gus tossed at her.

“Neal, make sure he does what I told him to or escort him from the property,” Paige stated heading back to the office building to grab her other bag.

Once inside and alone, she allowed herself a moment to let her fears overtake her. In here, she could fret about the placement she’d chosen. She could barter with God for the lives trapped below the ground. She could even let herself remember everything about the men she loved. The moment she stepped back outside, she would once again be in charge and that would entail her pushing her fears aside and focusing on keeping everyone else going.

“Lord, I haven’t prayed in a long time,” she whispered to the empty room after washing the traces of tears that had flown freely from her face. “I’m asking,begging, you now please keep them safe and show me how to save them. If this is the right place give me a sign,” she added gripping the sides of the sink.

“Paige!” she heard someone shouting.

“Is that my sign?” she asked her reflection before heading out to see what was going on.

“Paige!” Bobby shouted seeing her. “The drill’s here…”

“Already?” she said checking her watch. Five after twelve it read, and she sent a silent thank you heavenward. She hurried outside spying the truck and its operators Moose and Rabbit, nicknames they’d received when they were young.

“Someone need a hole dug?” Moose shouted over the rumble of the engine.

“If you were down on the ground, I’d gladly kiss that ugly mug of yours,” Paige shouted back.

“How about one for the backup driver who got us here faster than you expected?” Rabbit teased.

“If your wife gives me permission,” she joked back. “Follow me…and I’d buckle up, it’s not going to be an easy trip.”

“When is anything you come up with easy Paigey?” Moose inquired.

“Never,” she agreed taking both of the communicators and relaying the good news.

“Drill’s here and we’re on our way,” she stated and the relief in the replies she heard settled her qualms on the decision.

Here goes nothing, she sighed driving off leaving Gus behind to deal with the frantic families.

Chapter 3

Paige surveyed the work they’d managed to do, it’d taken them longer to get to the drill site than she anticipated and she knew things were beginning to get worse down in the mine. The last cave-in compromised the air supply. Combining the two groups made it easier to get them out but it limited the amount of breathable air and increased the carbon dioxide output. They were in a smaller area, the amount of free air getting in was limited and the air they were pumping in through the now shut-off water line couldn’t fully cover everyone.

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