Page 69 of His Lucky Paige

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“I don’t care who’s in her past as long as I’m the only one in her future.”

“Good luck and if you can get a ring on her finger by the twentieth…Kendra and I are thinking of taking a nice long second honeymoon with Josh.”

“We’ll see, what’re the odds?”

“About twenty-to-one…but hey, they were forty-to-one.”

“I’ll check in at the office later. See how Paige’s doctor’s appointment went and if she’s in a better mood,” Joel stated with a grin. He was going to win her over. He had to.


“Neal…hold on there,” Sam called out as he headed to the door getting ready to leave for the night. “Did you take Paige home or something after her appointment? We wanted to check with her about the drill.”

“She went home,” Neal said hesitantly as Joel and Cord appeared in the doorway.

“Can you get her on her cell?” Cord inquired. “We’d like to get this taken care of tonight.”

“Why don’t we just run to the house and do it?” Sam suggested. “That way we can let her look over this stuff too?”

“Why not? Go on home Neal, we’ll see you in the morning,” Cord stated.

“Uh…sir?” Neal said knowing he was about to be fired.

“What is it, Neal?”

“Paige isn’t at your house. She went home.”

“Home? As in her house in Maine?” Cord questioned.

“Yes sir…”

“How the hell could you let her leave?” Joel demanded.

“I was waiting for her in the coffee shop when I noticed the helicopter landing. She was inside and in the air before I could stop her. She sent me a message if you want to see it.”

Joel took the outstretched phone and tried not to crush it as he read.

Neal, something’s come up and I need to go home. Sorry to put this off on you but it’s unavoidable. Tell the stooges that I’m fine and I’ll call them tomorrow to see how things with the insurance people went ~ Paige.

“Something came up?” Joel scoffed. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number, but it went straight to voicemail. He tried calling with Neal’s phone, but it rang until it also went to voicemail.

Sam tried as did Cord but it continued to go to voicemail, and he was furious. He stormed out the door and headed straight to his car. He wasn’t going to let her run away, not again.

“Joel what are you doing?” Sam questioned.

“I’m going to go drag her butt back here. She said she was going to stay until this was finished and there’s no way in hell, she’s backing out of it now.”

“Shouldn’t we wait to see what she says tomorrow?” Cord inquired.

“And give her a head start of being long gone? No way.”

“Joel, take it easy. She could have just gone up there to get something for her team. They’ve been gone for three days at that explosion site,” Sam warned.

“One day isn’t enough for her to empty a house,” Neal added wishing he hadn’t when Joel’s furious gaze turned back to him.

“You have no idea what Paige is capable of when she puts her mind to something.”

“She promised she’d be here to get the mine back in order. When does she go back on her promises?” Sam asked.

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