Page 55 of His Lucky Paige

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They were headed to the chopper when Jesse finally inquired how she’d managed to get the approval. “Who was that on the phone?”

“Mic…but you all would probably know him better as Vice President Michael Grant,” she said avoiding their gazes.

“Did you just say the vice president…as in of the United States of America?” Craig asked as his jaw dropped.

“Maybe,” she shrugged.

“Why…how the hell do you have what appears to be the vice president’s personal number?” Joel questioned turning her around to face him.

“Because he owed me a favor.”

“The vice president owedyoua favor?” Hillary stated laughing. “Good lord Paige who on earth don’t you know?”

“The Queen of England? Fine since we’re in a hurry, during their campaign trail his daughter got into a bit of trouble and I helped out.”

“You’re going to have to explain that better because all that does is whet my appetite for details,” Hillary told her.

“It was kept out of the news to protect her, but her boyfriend was a member of an underground club and he wanted to ensure Mic and Peter didn’t win the election, so he kidnapped her before one of their stops.”

“How did you end up helping them out?” Jesse questioned.

“Why did they ask you?” Joel added.

“Did you just call the president Peter as casually as you could?” Craig stated with a grin.

“I was in town. We’d been repairing damages to an area that had fallen into a sinkhole, not as bad as Fairway but still pretty massive…anyway one of the members of the Secret Service knew me. His father was a miner we’d rescued a few years before I left the team. He thought I might be able to help when they discovered where they were holding her.”

“When you say an underground club, you’re not talking about them being located underground are you?” Jesse stated.

“Nope…look the only reason I was asked was because I could get in unnoticed. As you mentioned before Joel, I don’t look too much older than I did in high school which worked out well since these guys were into that sort of thing.”

“Jesus Christ please tell me you didn’t…” he said staring at her.

“No, the only way to get to them was from the back side of the mountain if they’d approached from the front, it would have been a heyday and who knows if she’d have survived. So, after we climbed up, I slipped out of my gear and into a more revealing ensemble and quietly made my way around the place trying to find her.”

“Did you get caught?” Hillary questioned.

“I’m standing in front of you, aren’t I? I was stopped by a few people but what can I say, I can bluff my way through anything. I finally found her, let the others know, got her untied and we slipped out before the brawny guys came out with their big toys.”

“I really hope that’s your way of saying the army showed up with guns and not your way of covering something sleazy,” Craig said sending her a questioning look.

“That’s what I meant. I got her around to the back of the mountain and we were halfway down before they showed, the idiots hadn’t even noticed she was missing and by then it was too late for them to do anything to stop us. We were whisked away the second our feet touched the ground.”

“Wow…so what happened to the club?” Moose inquired.

“Let’s just say they were quietly dealt with. Seems Darcy wasn’t the first underaged girl they’d abducted. Most of them are in jail a few might have gotten lighter sentences, but I doubt it. Mic and Peter went on to win and he told me to call him if I ever needed anything.”

“But you had his personal number and the way you talked to him…that wasn’t the way someone would speak if you were just calling to redeem a favor,” Joel said crossing his arms across his chest.

“No, it wasn’t. Did I mention I spent last Christmas at the White House?” she asked hurrying into the chopper as Caleb motioned that they were ready to go.

“You what!?” they asked in unison, and she couldn’t hold in the laughter.

“I spent Christmas at the White House and Peter asked me to be on his cabinet but I’m not into the whole political scheme of things. They tend to get my info into the hands of people who need my help rebuilding but they’ve called me in to consult on FEMA matters here and there.”

“What else are you hiding Paige?” Joel inquired climbing in beside her.

“You’ll never know, at least not until the book comes out,” she teased.

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