Page 50 of His Lucky Paige

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“You’ve got to admit Paige there were times when what you concocted came out of thin air and no one thought it’d be able to be accomplished let alone safely,” Jesse told her.

“But what’s the point in not trying simply because it’s a bit out there?” she asked him. “When the only options are to not try and die, or to try and possibly live what would you choose?”

“Whatever you suggested,” he answered, reaching out and slipping a piece of her hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. “We always will.”

“I think we’ve got some work to do, don’t we Joel?” Cord said holding onto the binder still. “Are you going to stick around and help us Paige?”

“Considering I don’t trust you all to follow through I guess I’d better. I need to go home for a few days though, get some things settled up there. Caleb is going to drop me off after we deliver these guys at home.”

“We’re in no rush,” Jesse said looping his arm around her waist. “Want some help shoring up that road?”

“The more the merrier,” she answered him with a smile that nearly gutted Joel as he watched them interact. There was something between them and he wanted to know what. He’d sensed it the first time the guy was there and when he’d assessed him down in the mine but now…now there was something else at play and he’d be damned if he was going to lose Paige now.

Chapter 16

“Paige…the crew’s here,” Jesse shouted across the valley towards her. A smile spread across her face, and she carefully picked her way through the mess until she reached him.

“I can’t believe you’re all still here,” she told him accepting the water he handed her.

“Someone’s got to make sure you eat,” he stated handing her a bag that smelled like heaven. “Besides there’ve been no requests in the last two weeks for our assistance and you’re prettier to look at than Wayne’s glum face.”

“Yo Paige, where do want us?” Moose asked from the cab of the dozer he was moving.

“If you’d move that thing out of my way I could get to work,” Rabbit shouted at him from the backhoe.

“It’s getting too dark to do anything tonight,” she stated motioning towards the far end of the clearing they’d made during the two weeks since they’d started in with her plan. The road was passable and tomorrow would begin the clearing phase of the valley, a good two weeks ahead of her proposed schedule thanks to her friends.

“You’re kidding right?” Craig said turning to her. “We’ve got at least an hour until sunset and you’re always the last one to leave a site. Unless you have a hot date, we don’t know about.”

“Nope…I just thought I’d drop in and visit with the crew for a few minutes. They’ll be out here putting up lights so they can work later and they don’t need us interfering with them,” she said spotting the foreman as he headed their way.

“Paige, damn angel, you said this place was a disaster area but come on…this is insane,” he stated as he wrapped her in a hug and laughed deeply.

“You like a challenge and you’re the best.”

“Well that is true, I’m still trying to get you to accept my proposal, aren’t I?” he teased dipping his head and planting a kiss on her lips.

“Whoa!” Hillary said as she pulled up beside them in the Jeep with her father, Sam and Joel.

Jesse gave a polite cough trying to interrupt them as Joel jumped out of the vehicle and began to round it. Sam stopped him as Paige took a step backwards her eyes full of unmistakable laughter.

“You finally threw that bum doc over then?” Dawson asked checking out her bare hands.

“You had a ring?” Sam asked pressing tightly against Joel’s shoulder to keep him still.

“I did…I just wasn’t wearing it here. Everyone this is Dawson Andrews, he’s the best foreman for any construction or demolition crew you’ll find. He helped me with the business park you saw.”

“Seems he’s helping himself to a bit more than that,” Craig stated with a glance towards Joel whose hands were clenched.

“Dawson’s harmless,” she said before taking his arm. “Give us a few minutes?”

“I’ll give him something,” Joel huffed under his breath, and Sam chuckled as Paige and the other man moved off.

“Well seems you’ve got more competition,” Sam said releasing him.

“I’ve got to agree,” Hillary stated. “I’ve never seen Paige look like that after someone’s kissed her.”

“Has anyone ever seen Paige look like that?” Craig questioned.

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