Page 15 of His Lucky Paige

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He laughed but it didn’t sound amused, and that was what she wanted, needed. She could make him mad enough he’d do it, whether he thought it feasible or not. “What happened to the sweet girl I used to know Paige?”

“She found out that the boy she liked didn’t want to risk himself for her and instead of admitting to her father that he loved her, wanted a life with her, he said there was someone else in his life and let her walk out the door and didn’t bother to come after her.”

“That’s not what happened, Paige. You were so determined to prove yourself…to prove that you could be as good as your father that I had to let you go, for your own safety.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. Jesus Joel…all I wanted was for you to admit to yourself and everyone else that you wanted me but you chose the safety of your job…ironic right? One little phrase was all it would have taken to convince me to stay.”

“What are you saying Paige?”

“I’m saying that had you asked me to stay I would have.”

“You wouldn’t…you’d have grown bored and resentful trying to prove that you could do the work but never being allowed the chance to and you would have done something stupid like masquerading as a boy to get a position down here. I mean look at what you’ve done…the rescue work…that’s who you are, you wouldn’t have been happy staying here and what? Getting married and having kids? Sure, it sounds great, but you would have died doing it.”

“Instead I nearly died not doing it,” she countered then regretted her rash words. “I’ve been in plenty of situations where my safety was an issue so forcing me out didn’t help there any,” she added covering the truth he didn’t need to know.

“Paige, just forget it…if you’re so determined to do this then I’ll meet you but I don’t know how safe those passages are anymore, if they’re even open still. I haven’t been up there since you left.”

“I’m used to danger Joel. I lived with it constantly for years. Just let me know if you run into problems,” she stated setting the walkie down when the road began to get rougher as she drove as high as she could. When there was no other option she got out and grabbed the pack she’d brought settling it on her shoulders and buckling the straps to keep it on as she began to walk up the steep side of the path.

The higher she went the more she remembered of the past and the more she wished things had been different. She’d been in love, truly in love, with Joel from the day she turned sixteen and he’d finally admitted to her that he’d been dying to kiss her for ages. He was almost four years older than she was and was attending college while working the summers in the mine but before that he’d been her friend and her brother’s best friend, allowing her to tag along as they went exploring the mine much to her father’s delight.

Her mother had died when she was eight, leaving her alone with too many men and too few women to help raise her so she’d been a tomboy until the night Joel had kissed her. After that, she alternated from being that tomboy when he wasn’t around to being something different when he was. The night she heard him admit to her father that they were just friends was the last night she’d stayed in this town. She transferred to a new college, far from there and didn’t bother coming home on breaks, instead she used it to expedite her college graduation and then she joined the rescue team.

It’d been ten years since she made this climb but the route was engraved on her heart and her feet never faltered as she made her way to face the man she had never been able to let go of, stop wanting. She didn’t know if that was a good thing or not but when she saw him she was certainly going to get a real answer once and for all.

Chapter 5

“Paige Elizabeth Brighton, are you out of your mind?” her father’s voice came across the walkie. “Where are you and what do you think you’re doing?”

“Sorry Dad…hold on for a sec okay?” she said gripping the ledge and lowering herself back down. “Alright…what was that?”

“Where are you?” he repeated.

“And what are you doing?” Jesse added.

“I think I’m going to plead the fifth on both of those at least until we’re on our way back.”

“Our?” Sam said catching the word. “Are you going after Joel?”

“How are you going after Joel? If you need us to drill somewhere…” Moose stated.

“No drilling required, just a bit of a hike. I’d love to stay and chat but unfortunately I need both hands and feet to get there…don’t worry, I’m fine and I’ll be back sometime after the sun comes up…bye,” she told them replacing the walkie.

“I was really hoping to be there before now…stupid overcast sky…” she muttered to herself as she made her way up the last of the cliff and into the cavern that would lead her to Joel. She gathered her climbing rope back up and put it in her bag, they’d need it to get back up to the cavern to get out.

The walk through the cavern and down the paths was strange, she wasn’t used to making it alone and by the time she reached the spot, she was anxious to see Joel. He wasn’t there and she grew impatient. She had to climb the side of the cliff and she’d managed to get there so where was he?

She took the walkie and inquired about it, “Joel…where are you?”

“About a hundred or so yards out, ran into a blocked passage and had to backtrack a bit, you?”

“I’m here,” she admitted.

“Couldn’t wait to see me huh?” he asked as he rounded the corner and saw the light from her flashlight glowing along the wall.

“Shut up…” she said turning when she heard the light echo of his walkie. Her breathing slowed as he walked the last hundred feet and stopped in front of her.

“Damn Paige…I’d forgotten how beautiful you really are,” he stated as he reached out to touch her and ensure that she was real.

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