Page 23 of Valentine's Eve

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“Oh, Sky. How are you, honey? How are you coming along?” I tried to be nice and defuse the situation.

“I'm doing great, spending a lot of time with my husband,” she all but hissed.

Still tidying my face, I apologized, “Yeah, about that. You know nothing has ever gone on between me and our dear Ol’ Prez, right? I am so sorry about that night. It was your honeymoon night, and I shouldn’t have used Kingpin as a shoulder to cry on. I realize that now. You know what they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty and all. But at the time, I just didn't know where else to turn.”

“Why? Why did you turn to him in the first place?” she asked, spitting venom.

Combating her anger with openness, I told her bluntly. “I gave up everything to be with Hallow. I gave up my family. I gave up my career and my friends in Nashville. It felt like Kingpin was all I had.”

“You don’t have any friends here?” she asked with fake pity.

“Yes, I do. At the Eagles’ Nest, yes. Here at Royal Road, I couldn’t rely on one of the whores. They’d fuck Hallow before they’d help me get him back. Paisley, she’s the worst. I meant Kingpin was all I had who could get through to Hallow. On account of our deal, I was following the chain of command, sort of. Well, big mistake. You see how that worked out?” I was rambling, but I needed to defend myself.

“Yeah. Pretty bad. But Kingpin explained to me that he has absolutely no feelings for you. It’s all good,” she said.

“Well, bless his heart, I certainly don’t have those sorts of feelings for him either,” I said, frankly. I scrunched up my nose thinking of how people thought of me with that biker. “Honestly, and no offense, Kingpin’s not my type.”

“So, nothing’s ever happened between you two?”

Gulping, I held my breath. I couldn’t right out laugh at the very notion. Afterall, Kingpin was her man. I tried to keep my face straight as I told her the honest truth. “Oh, Sky. Heavens to Betsy. That biker, your husband, believe it or not, because I hardly do, has been real respectful of me. Professional. Sure, there was a time or two in the beginning I had to remind him I wasn’t one of his whores. That biker scared me, but he’s grown as much as I have. As in, I’ve overcome my stage fright, for the most part.”

“You still didn’t answer me.”

“Something so preposterous doesn’t deserve to be entertained. You know the bikers here just like to joke, right? They like to make their Prez out to be the big man. Because well, you know him. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. They want to say that he's screwing everyone with two legs. But everybody knows Kingpin hasn't laid eyes on another woman since you've been around. Now they want to say he’s in love with me because of what he did. Fiddlesticks. Nothing could be further from the truth. But I'll tell you what, I'm glad he did it now.”

“What are you talking about? Who did what?”

“All I’m saying is the rumors ain’t true. And I'm glad Kingpin beat the shit out of Hallow.”

“Kingpin did that to him? When?”

“Yes, last month. I thought that was what you were in here going on about. Cheese and crackers, I messed up. Did you not already know Kingpin ruined that bastard’s face?”

“No, no, I knew,” Sky said, relieving my worries.

“Lordalmighty. I didn’t need Kingpin mad at me for spilling the beans.” I looked at my watch. “Gosh darn it, I’m late. I’m supposed to go back on for an encore. I’ve got to run.”

I made my way back to the stage. When I’d planned the next song, a bluesy cover of Nora Jones’ “Come Away With Me”, the song I sang to Hallow when he was in the hospital when we first met, I never intended for us to be broken up. And I’d had every intention of making up with Hallow by now. But how could I when he’d spent his nights in other women?

Dimple was ready at the piano. I knew he was better on the keys than Kingpin, but it’s not how we had rehearsed it. Spotting Prez in the crowd, I smiled. Even bigger when I saw Sky with him. After our convo in the ladies’ room, I knew everything was okay with them. I locked eyes with him as we usually did, for courage. As I sang, the whole club quieted, making me even more anxious.

I couldn’t turn to Hallow. I would cry, but I felt the words coming from my throat from down deep. I wanted things how they used to be. I’d forgive Hallow for everything. I made up my mind. I’d make up with him right away. I’d been a fool to wait this long. He’d be mine again. That’s when the thud sounded, a door slammed. My whole body about left the stage. Whipping my head, I noticed Hallow’s absence right away. He had stormed out. I wavered, but only for a moment.

It didn’t matter. All I wanted was to be Hallow’s again. If I didn’t want him with other women, all I’d have to do was say the word.

Chapter 9


The next night I paced in my dressing room. Wringing my hands, I worried Hallow might not even show up for tonight’s show. Especially with the way he left out last night. Not wanting to wait any longer, I went to search the bar.

Hallow sat with his brother Thorn, their backs to me. Approaching them, I could smell the gasoline and the grease. They’d just come in off their motorcycles, but there was a hint of something else. Maybe Thorn wore aftershave. Hallow donned his cut of course, but otherwise, he was gussied up, wearing his nicest clothes. I should know, I’d laundered them and hung them up so they wouldn’t wrinkle. I couldn’t think too hard on it. I focused on my mission.

When his name fell from my lips, he spun to face me. “Eve,” he fumed. “What’s this?”

As handsome as ever, Hallow’s nose was broken, crooked. It didn’t matter. Although his face didn’t look nearly as hurt up close, he’d be scarred in a few places.

Taking a breath, I asked as politely as I could, “Can we speak privately?”

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