Page 87 of Forever Fondly

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“I promise to see when I can get some time off,” Mary smiled.

“It doesn’t have to be one visit. You could take a few days, come out, and then come back in a few months. Once winter gets here, you might not want to come visit, unless you like the snow and cold weather.”

“Let me see what I can do.”

“We can pick you up and…”

“Jean-Ann, sweetie, she said she needed to check her schedule at work. That means she’s going to try to visit. You don’t have to talk her into it… and if she can’t come visit, then I will take you there. Whatever you want, my love.”

Mary couldn’t help but tear up, realizing how much Jax was like his father.

“I can’t wait to meet you both. Let me see what I can do, and I’ll let you know.”

“Is this your cell phone? Can we text you?”

“Of course.”

“I hope you don’t think we are pestering you – we are just so excited to meet our son’s bride and get to know you better.”

“I’ll find out today and text you later.”

Mary made her goodbyes – and was going to email Jax to keep him in the loop, only to hear a knock at the door. She walked over and checked the peep hole to see the postman waiting there.

“You can leave it on the stoop,” she hollered loudly – and watched as he did so, walking off. Opening the door, she picked up the box and saw that it was shipped from another country. There were stamps, marks all over it, and she was flabbergasted at the cost that was spent to ship it quickly to her location.

Getting the scissors, she opened the box… and hesitated.

Picking up the notepad that lay just inside, her hands trembled as she realized that Jax had sent this from somewhere in Spain, where he had a layover on his way back.

I hope you know just how much you mean to me. You are a miracle. Every time I close my eyes, I see your smile, feel your touch, and miss you all over again. I will never forget playing in the water with you or holding you while you slept in that TINY tent (sorry!).

I love you with everything I am – and always thinking of you.



Mary set down the notepad and pulled out a shirt that said MADRID across the front of it. Looking further in the box, she saw a plastic bag tied tightly and pulled it out, tearing it open… and a cascade of things fell out.

A chocolate bar with almonds and honey – and another with ‘flor de sal’sprinkled on top. She wasn’t sure what that was, but it was very interesting looking.Tortas de Aceitefrom Seville, and another small package that looked like it contained figs stuffed with something unrecognizable – but smelled divine. She was going to hang onto everything until Jax came home, so they could enjoy them together.

She was so touched that he’d done something so sweet as this… and so unnecessary, but welcome. He was always trying to spoil her, and her necklace was proof of that. She wore it all the time as a reminder that he was coming home… eventually.

Opening her laptop, she glanced at the clock and realized she had just a few minutes before she needed to get ready for work – and that was long enough to send him a quick email.

* * *

Hey sweet husband,

I just got the most incredible package in the mail – and thank you! You spent entirely too much on shipping… but it was certainly welcome. We are going to have a Spanish-themed evening when you return.

I am so glad I got to talk to you earlier – and your parents called me less than five minutes later. I adore your parents, and they are so sweet. I’m going to check my schedule at work to see when I can meet them.

I’ll keep you posted – now, I need to get ready for work.

I love you!


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