Page 44 of Forever Fondly

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“I’m hoping she likes this…”

“I’m sure she will,” Glory smiled. “Hunter and I talked about taking the kids out to Ace’s later when they are older so they can have these memories… and I think it’s wonderful you are doing this.”

“She’s incredible.”

“I think the fact that she’s able to get past everything and trust you is what is so incredible…” Glory retorted simply, strapping down the items as Jax hesitated.

“You know what happened?” he said quietly, watching the other woman.

Glory looked at him and hesitated, before nodding.

“Karen told me,” she admitted nervously. “I really don’t want to gossip.”

“It’s not gossip, because I’m pretty sure I already know that her ex-husband beat her.”

“He did,” she confirmed, her face pinched with frustration and stress. “Karen is the person that dialed 911 for her – and probably saved her life. He’s mean and should be in jail.”

Jax felt himself fuming at the man he’d briefly met, dragging him away from the counter at the bakery. That little slimy man had hit her, hurt her so badly that she needed medical help?

He could feel himself boiling, a rage so dark and angry was bubbling inside of him… and he would put that man in the hospital if he ever laid a hand on Mary again.

“Hey! Whoa! Earth-to-Ghostie-poo?” Glory snapped her fingers in his face, her eyes wide. “Whatever is going on in that noggin’ of yours isn’t good, and you need to keep that scary man away from Mary or she will run for the hills.”

“I’m… I’m fine,” he said tightly, clenching his fists.

“You need to be the person she can turn towards,” Glory said quietly. “It’s okay to get mad on her behalf… but she needs a protector and friend more than someone who’s willing to fight her fights for her.”

“Aren’t they the same thing?”

“A protector is a wall between you and whatever is threatening you. The wall doesn’t beat up people, it helps them get away and feel safe. There’s a huge difference,” Glory admitted. “If you fight her battles, then you are taking away any confidence that she could fight those monsters by herself… and she needs to build security from the inside. Be the wall, my friend.”

“You people should be therapists,” Jax muttered, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling tightly.

“Nahhhh,” Glory laughed easily. “We are seriously messed up people and found our own corner of the sandbox to play in, making our rules up as we go.”

“Well, you do a good job giving advice.”

“Thanks,” she beamed brightly, giving him a thumbs up. “You will be just peachy-keen, and I think you two are utterly adorable.”



Glancingup as the door to the bakery opened, she met Jax’s eyes and smiled. She had been hoping he would show up a few minutes early, and was so excited to see him… especially after those text messages this morning.

She had looked at her phone twenty times today, feeling a sense of joy and wonder building at his sweet persona. He was just so wonderfully open, so easy going, and so kind that she was melting every time she turned around – and this text was no different!

Good morning to the most beautiful person in the world… can I see you after work?

I have a surprise I think you’ll like.

Have a great day, love!

I get off work at 3pm – see you then.

I’ll be waiting

Jax didn’t elaborate or say what the surprise was, just that he wanted to see her… and truthfully? She wanted to see him as much as possible while he was here in town. It hit her last night after he had kissed her goodnight before leaving, that she would only see him twice more before he left… for who knows how long.

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