Page 27 of Forever Fondly

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A light, wonderful, heartfelt laugh that made his own heart flutter in his chest as he stared at her.

“You have a beautiful laugh, Mary,” he said softly – and then hurried back to his story before she could withdraw again. “So, in this small town, everyone already knew everybody, and he kept saying that I was nothing, that I stunk, repeatedly bashing me… then I shoved him down on the bus.”

“My mom was so upset,” he admitted sheepishly. “Because Trace got up and whipped my butt something good…”

“He did?” she laughed again, looking dismayed. “Your story isn’t making me feel any better.”

“I guess I better tell you about my parents’ farm – or how Trace never bothered me again after that.”

“Now you are teasing me,” Mary smiled shyly, looking unsure.

“God’s honest truth,” Jax grinned, holding up his hand. “I promise. Trace never touched me again, still said that I smelled like sheep-poo from time to time, but he moved on to another kid to bully… before finally moving away.”

“Maybe Joe will move away…” she muttered.

“One can certainly hope,” he said gently, watching her as a slight smile twitched at her lips.

“To Joe’s new adventure in another state,” Jax began, holding up his cup of coffee as if to make a toast. “May the transfer request be swift and immediate.”

Mary let a shy smile touch her lips as she lifted her cup, tapping it against his, before murmuring ‘amen’ softly.

“So,” he said continuing the conversation. “Sheep. Yeah, my parents have a sheep farm, and those wooly-bullies used to push me around like I was nothing, because I was a slip of a boy growing up.”

“You were?”

“Oh yeah,” he grinned. “I didn’t get this beefcake dad-bod until I was about twenty-three, after being tortured by my physical training instructor at the Air Force Academy. The guy was a masochist and truly believed in ‘no pain, no gain’…. I had both: lots of pain and gain.”

Mary choked out another laugh at his comments, and he was fascinated, watching her fondly. Gosh, she was incredibly lovely when she smiled or relaxed like this, and he wished she could let down her guard a little more.

“Sheep are nasty little things, but they can’t help it. Everything gets trapped in their wool, and it’s so cute to see them when they get shorn after growing their coat out for a while. It’s like seeing naked little lambs on steroids in the field.”

“Jax, stop…” Mary laughed once more, shaking her head in disbelief. He couldn’t help himself, he reached over the table to touch her hand and felt her jerk it away, out from under his so fast it was shocking.

Her laughter was gone.

“Sorry,” she whispered nervously. “Gut reaction.”

“It’s okay,” he replied softly. “I like making you laugh, and it makes me feel good to know my friend can relax enough with me to enjoy herself. You don’t have to hold my hand, but I really wanted to hold yours for a moment. If it bothers you, it’s not necessary.”

He pulled his hand back – only to see her move hers forward slowly. He stopped where he was… and crawled his fingers back across the table, smiling shyly at her, only to stop short of her hand.

Mary touched his fingers as a blush stained her cheeks and she glanced out the windows of the bakery once again, nervous. This was progress though, and he was thrilled to his very core.

“This is nice,” he admitted.

“This is… hard,” she whispered. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t know if I am ready for more than friendship. I think you are incredibly sweet and…”

Jax flinched, bracing himself.

“… I’m so scared right now to let someone in. You are about the only person I have been comfortable enough to laugh with and be around.”

“Friendship is all I’m looking for,” he fibbed, plastering a smile on his face. She needed to know that she could be free to push him away – and honestly? It wasn’t the worst let down he’d had… if at all.

Just because she wasn’t ready for more – didn’t mean it would never happen; besides, they were still getting to know each other, and he was flying out in four days.

“… But I do have a little treat for you, my friend,” he teased playfully. “I saw this when I was coming through Heathrow on a layover and thought of you. Close your eyes.”

“Let’s don’t do this,” she protested immediately.

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