Page 26 of Rialta

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“I don’t understand. How will me having sex with Hayes prove anything to you?”

“Trust me, it will prove everything to me.” He circles me like a vulture tracking a near-death animal. He’s not going to kill me, but I still feel uneasy about this.

“I don’t want to fuck Hayes.”

Lennox stops in front of me. His eyes are filled with vicious intent. His jaw clenches—he’s scared.

He doesn’t want to test me any more than I want to fuck Hayes. I don’t know how this test is going to prove anything, but I won’t back down from a challenge. I’ll play his game and figure out how to win if I have to.

“If you do it, I’ll send you back to Andrea in exchange for Ri,” Lennox says.

“No matter what happens between Hayes and me? No matter what you see? That’s the only way I’ll consider it.”

Lennox grinds his teeth. It’s not the agreement he wants. He wants to have a chance at keeping me—but he’ll never have that chance again. I’m not his. He can’t keep me. I’m deciding my own fate from now on.

“So what will it be? I fuck Hayes, and you send me to Andrea. Otherwise, you can play your little games with someone else.”

“If you have sex with Hayes, I’ll send you back to Andrea if that’s still what you want.” His words are a promise—but I’m not sure I trust him. He loves me, and love will make you do crazy things.

I hold out my hand. He sucks in a breath as he takes it in his—like my touch burns his skin. When I feel his hand in mine I feel the same burn. But neither of us lets go as we shake on the deal—both of us hiding plenty from the other.

Finally, we let go at the same time.

Lennox leaves the room; I assume to go talk to Hayes.

I fold my arms over my chest, thinking about the deal I just made and how I feel about it. Why does Lennox want me to fuck Hayes? I doubt Hayes will even agree to it. But if he does…

If he does, I’ll fuck him. I’m not a prude. It doesn’t matter who I love—I like Hayes, and I have no problem enjoying a sexy man. But what does Lennox think he’s going to figure out by watching us have sex? Am I supposed to fight Hayes? Am I supposed to give in? Not enjoy it? Call out Andrea’s name?

I’m not sure how to play this game.

Lennox enters the room again with a hesitant Hayes right behind him. Lennox pushes the dresser back in front of the door. Then we all just silently stare at each other.

It’s clear Lennox has told Hayes what he wants him to do. Usually, Hayes would already be flirting with me, giddy with the excitement to tease me. But he’s not acting that way now.

I frown. I’m not going to fuck a man who doesn’t want it. Hayes looks broken and wounded and terrified.

“Leave us for a minute, Lennox.” I look at Hayes as I speak.

“No,” Lennox answers.

“If you want us to do this, you’ll give us a few minutes alone.”

“No,” Lennox says again, giving me a hint into why he wants me to fuck Hayes. He thinks he can read my reaction. If I talk to Hayes, we might plan something that will make it easier for me to hide my emotions.

“Step outside or our deal is off,” I bark, looking at Hayes.

Lennox growls, but I hear him scooting the dresser once more, and then he’s gone.

“He’s listening on the other side of the door,” Hayes says.

“I know because he’s a dick like that!” I raise my voice.

It makes Hayes chuckle.

I smile and then immediately drop it into a serious look. “Do you want to fuck me?”

Hayes blinks. “I’m not sure how to answer that without getting into trouble.”

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