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“You’re a professional photographer.” Deacon seemed taken aback.

"I'm trying to be, but it's a struggle. I thought the competition would help me, but I guess not. I've done a few birthday parties and graduations, but I also want to get into weddings and private contracts." Gage hung his head at that point, feeling ridiculous talking about professional photography when he no longer owned a camera. That dream was way off in the distance once again.

Deacon moved from his chair to sit next to Gage on the couch. He didn't look at Gage, but his aura was intense. It was obvious that he was a powerful vampire just by the energy that was radiating off him. "There is more to you and me than just my need to be forgiven." Deacon sighed deeply.

“What does that mean?”

"It means that when I went to the blockhouse where Trenton abused you, I discovered something." He paused for a moment before continuing and still did not make eye contact with Gage. Gage found that he was holding his breath, wondering what he was going to say. The air was suddenly filled with anticipation.

"You didn't know me yet came here to this isolated cabin with me and showed no fear after everything that has happened to you. You accept my touch and even, I think, yearn for it just as I yearn for your touch. Since we met, your injuries have begun to heal more quickly, and a good share of the pain and discomfort has eased." He turned and regarded Gage with a sense of hope. His dark eyes bore into Gage, penetrating seeing all.

"Something about you called out to me, and I was compelled to find you. I went to the blockhouse to seek out the young human I'd sentenced to punishment. I couldn't understand what I was feeling at first. It wasn't the first time I'd ordered corporal punishment. In my position, necessary orders are not always kind or gentle, and never before had I questioned my decision. For some reason, I had to find you. I had to know you were okay." Gage listened, wondering where he was going with this declaration.

"I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me." Gage wanted to let him off the hook if that was what he was looking for. "I'll heal, move on, find a place, and try it all again. A larger city would better my chances at making it in photography, and maybe I could find a job in the field and gain some practical experience. I forgive you if that's what you need to hear." Why was he having such difficulty getting to the point?

“What are you trying to say to me?” Gage burst out.

Deacon nailed him with that dark stare one more time before making the statement that managed to shock Gage to his core. “You are my beloved.” Silence fell for a few seconds while the words sunk in, and Gage's fears surged to the surface again.

Gage understood the word and what it meant for the paranormal involved. They called them fated bonds. His mother and Able were not a Fated bond, and it was one of the reasons his mother ended up leaving, or at least that was what she claimed. Able spoke of finding his mate someday after she'd left them, and he explained the power and the drive behind such a union. Gage knew that to be this man's beloved would require much more change and acceptance on Deacon's part than on his. Instead of happiness at the discovery, Gage found himself struck with a foreboding feeling.

No vampire of Deacon's class and status would welcome a beloved such as him, and now this cabin in the woods and the kind words were starting to make sense. This wasn't what it appeared to be but rather was a system of isolation and disposal. His life just kept getting worse by the day.

"I won't hold you to that." Gage needed to make it clear he had no expectations. "I will be going to Detroit or further away if you wish. I will make myself scarce, and I will make myself gone. You don't have to worry about me messing up your life, position, aspirations, or whatever." Gage leaned back and away from Deacon, who was leaning forward and making him nervous as hell.

"You're going nowhere," Deacon stated firmly and reached out to Gage, who dodged away and tried to stand.

"I won't make trouble for you, I promise."

"Do you think that I don't want you?" Deacon broke in, took Gage's upper arm, and held it tight, preventing him from leaving the couch.

"I'll disappear; you'll never see me again." Gage kept up with promises in the hopes he was allowed to go on breathing. This was going to end badly for him. He just knew it.

"Settle down." Deacon barked, and instantly Gage quit pulling away and became still. "You are my beloved, the center of my existence, the promised love of my life. Why would I want you anywhere except by my side?" He spoke very clearly, enunciating each word for better understanding.

“You’re not upset by the discovery?” Gage was skeptical but gave Deacon his undivided attention. The man looked pleased, not angry or disappointed, but how could he be.

“The only reason I hesitated in telling you the complete truth of our connection was because of the awful manner in which you were treated by my men and on my order. I thought you would turn your back on me and not accept someone such as me into your life, someone who had caused you so much torment." Deacon began his explanation. "I hoped that if we spent some time together, the natural bond would help you see me as someone who could be trusted and relied upon."

“You want me, Gage Montague, as your partner in life?” Gage was still at a loss to understand. Even the flowery manner in which Able had pictured the mate bond hadn't prepared Gage for this kind of attraction. He would not deny that he was drawn to this man his presence, his aroma, his aura, and his voice were like a growing addiction. The voice snagged him from the beginning, driving deep into his heart and mind.

"More than anything in this world." Gage caught his breath on the sincerity in his tone and in his eyes. "Breath, baby." He said, and Gage slowly released his breath, astonished by this unbelievable outcome. His mind was scattering as he tried to make sense of it all.

"You really want to bond with me, take me to the coven, and present me to the Master as your beloved." Gage was struggling. "This isn't pity, is it? Are you sacrificing yourself because you feel sorry for having had me beaten? You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. Our debts are paid, yours and mine. I took a beating, and you tended to my wounds. It's all done and over."

Deacon was making a mess of this, and he knew it. The more he tried to explain, the more confused Gage became. "You are my beloved. I scented you in the blockhouse and searched for you until I found you. It is not pity or a misguided sense of responsibility. It is my destiny and yours."

He didn't say anything in response, but he stopped pulling away, so that was progress. Deacon kept his hand on Gage's arm, a connection that they both needed. "This is real, Gage. What I feel for you goes beyond anything imaginable I feel you in my heart and in my mind, and in the morrow of my bones, you are my beloved." He slid his hand down Gage's arm to grasp his hand and raise it to his lips. "I will follow you to the end of the earth and beyond; you will never be rid of me, no matter how hard you might try." He held his cautious stare with his own determined one and waited.

"I want to believe you," Gage whispered.

"You can believe me." Deacon pushed the hair away from Gage's face and carefully leaned over, placing the lightest kisses on his tender, swollen lips. Gage responded fervently, grasping Deacon's arms and holding him in a tight grip. His condition was still fragile even though he'd already begun to mend due to their bond and growing connection. Being near to Deacon had jump-started his healing, and his right eye was partially open now, and the swelling had gone down.

Still, he had a way to go before he was truly sound and fit. Deacon eased back and looked down at Gage, who was still holding firm to Deacon's arms. "You need to get well first, and then we take this all the way." Deacon was resolved that although the desire was fierce, nothing would happen until his beloved had recovered. But that didn't mean there couldn't be some gentle intimacies.

The crooked smile that graced that lovely mouth was absolutely exquisite. This young man was fast becoming the source of everything delightful in Deacon’s life. The bond was powerful, and Deacon accepted that he would not be able to live nor be happy unless this man was by his side, in his life, and loving him.
