Page 23 of Possessive Surgeon

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“Just like her mother,” he kisses my cheek.

The Principal slowly makes his way through the alphabet finally getting to S.

“Samantha Statton,” he calls and Scott and my father whistle and cheer.

Our little girl skips to the podium wearing the biggest smile. She collects her rolled-up diploma and waves it in the air as she walks back across the stage.

When the last of her classmates receives his diploma, the Principal announces that refreshments will be served in the classroom. We find our way there and Sammy runs and leaps into Scott’s arms.

“Congratulations, baby! You did such a good job,” he tells her as he lifts her in the air.

“Thanks, daddy, and now vacation!” she cries.

Scott puts her down and she moves to her grandfather. “Come on, Poppy. Come see my art.”

They walk off together and Scott turns to me, “Our little girl.”

“She’s not so little anymore,” I reply, wiping a tear from my eye.

“In about five minutes, she’s going to come back here and beg us to take her to freedom. If you want a piece of cake, you’d better get one,” he says.

“No cake for me. I still have weight to lose from carrying these boys around inside me,” I giggle.

“No, you don’t. You’re the same size that you were when we met.”

“What size is that, daddy?” I tease him.

“Tiny,” he grins.

As predicted, Sammy runs back and asks almost breathlessly, “Daddy, is it time for vacation yet?”

“Yes, sweetie. We can go,” he rubs her head and tells her to go get her backpack.

“We’re having a celebration dinner, Dad. You’re welcome to stay,” I tell my father.

“I’d love to but I still have some work to do tonight. I left the office early and I can’t get behind,” he replies.

* * *

We finishdinner and let Sammy cut her own cake then I take the kids upstairs for their baths. Once they’re all settled in for the night, I go back downstairs and meet Scott in the living room where he’s seated on the couch. All the candles are lit and he’s opened a bottle of wine. He stands up when he sees me and uses the remote control to turn on the music. He takes me in his arms and we start to dance.

“This is nice. What’s the occasion?” I rest my head on his chest and breathe in his cologne.

“Today was a big day. It’s another milestone in our relationship. Our little girl is on her way to the big, wild world of first grade,” he jokes.

“I don’t know if she’s ready. It’s a big step. Learning to read, making new friends, no naps. It’s a regular jungle.”

“Since she’s growing up so quickly, I thought it might be time to try for another girl,” he says and my legs stop moving.

I look up at him and ask, “Are you serious?”

“The twins are walking and eating solid food. Sammy’s practically an adult. Why not?”

“But, what if we do this and have another boy?” I squint my eyes at him.

“Then, I suppose we’ll have to try again.”

“And if that’s a boy, too? Or another set of twin boys?”

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