Page 1 of Possessive Surgeon

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“That was textbook perfect, Doc. Good job,” the anesthesiologist pats me on the back as I scrub out. Three hours is a good time to complete a coronary artery bypass, but it still leaves me mentally spent. All I can think about right now is a trip to the steam room and a nice juicy steak.

I’m on my way to the locker room to change when I see the charge nurse barreling toward me. My shift is over, whatever she needs will have to wait until tomorrow. I’ve almost made my escape into the men’s only locker room when she places her hand on the door and says, “Presley wants to see you in his office, stat.”

“What does he want?” I ask but I already know the answer. She shrugs, smirks, and walks away.

It’s the time of year when the med school graduates show up for their intern rotations. I was lucky enough to not participate in this mess last year because I was going out of town for a conference in the middle of the rotation.

This year, I won’t be so lucky. I’m one of the top-ranked surgeons on the east coast and every student in the program wants to work under me. I’m told the director has hand selected my intern, though. He’s decided to unapologetically play the nepotism card and make me babysit his kid but I’m a surgeon, not a babysitter and I don’t appreciate being forced to submit to my employer's will.

I take my time changing out of my scrubs and into my street clothes. If Presley is going to make the next few weeks of my life torture, I can enjoy a few extra minutes of freedom first. I’m not dressing up for this little meeting either. Knowing that I would be headed to the steam room after work, I came in wearing jeans and a gray Henley so that’s what they’re going to get. I slam the locker door closed and begin the walk of doom to Presley’s office. I could threaten to leave.

Every hospital director in the country would orgasm at the idea of securing my contract but he’d call my bluff. This is the best-funded facility in the area with a state-of-the-art surgical suite and the ability to pay me whatever I ask for.

I’ll have to put my foot down with this kid. He needs to know that I don’t care who his father is. The first time he shows up to surgery late or hung over, I’ll remove him from my rotation permanently.

When I reach the office, the door is slightly ajar so I tap lightly, then push my way through. The lights are dimmed inside. Presley lowers them when he’s officially off for the day so that no one disturbs him after hours. I scan the office but he isn’t seated behind his large mahogany desk. In fact, he’s nowhere. A petite blonde woman in a tight black dress is standing alone in the center of the room. She has her back to me and my eyes scan her toned, silky legs all the way up to her tight, round ass.

“Eh hem,” I clear my throat and she turns with a start.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in,” the angel in front of me says through pouty pink lips.

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” But I did enjoy watching her tits bounce when she spun on her heels.

She smiles and her eyes shimmer with dancing flakes of blue and green. How the hell does one woman possess the absolute best version of every female physical quality? This thought sends my mind to ponder what she’s doing here in Presley’s office. She can’t possibly be dating him. She lacks the desperate qualities of a gold digger, and she’s way out of his league. She’s too young for him. I’d guess about twenty-four. At about eleven years older, I’m probably as old as she would go.

“I was looking for Director Presley. Do you know where he is?” I ask her.

“He just stepped out for a moment. He’s expecting you, Doctor Statton,” she replies.

I cock my head and say, “I’m at a disadvantage here. You know who I am but I don’t know you. Have we met before?”

She’s just about to respond when Presley charges through the door.

“Statton, I see you’ve already met my daughter Skylar,” he bellows.

His daughter? How? I’ve seen this man’s ex-wife. How could a specimen of genetic perfection come from the two of them? I stand with my mouth agape as I try to make sense of this biological anomaly. I have to shake myself back to reality before this marvel of womanhood decides that I’m a drooling idiot.

“Your daughter?” I cough.

“Skylar Presley. Nice to meet you, Doctor Statton,” she holds her hand out to me and I take it gently in mine.

“Skylar is going to intern with you for the next five weeks. She’s top of her class and very eager to get some hands-on experience. I trust you’ll make her feel welcome,” Presley sputters.

“Absolutely. It’s very nice to meet you, Skylar.” I, too, am eager to get some hands-on experience with her.

“Daddy, are you ready to go home?” My heart flutters at the sound of it but she isn’t talking to me.

“No, you’ll need to catch a cab. I’m going to be here a few more hours,” Presley grunts back to her.

“I’m headed out. I can give you a ride home. We can discuss expectations for tomorrow on the way,” I offer.

She smiles and looks down at her feet. “That’s very nice of you. Thank you, Dr. Statton.”

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