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Silas Wembley won't ever get out again. I had the option of pressing charges against Ransom Oil but decided not to do it. In the end, they did the right thing even if they did it for the wrong reasons. And their misdeeds cost the life of one of their employees. The world knows what they did. Their stock has plummeted.

We served them with cease-and-desist paperwork and formally trespassed all representatives for the company from any of my property. It's a formality at this point since they'll likely be out of business by the end of the year, but Callum didn't want to take any chances.

To be honest, neither did I. I'll sleep better at night knowing they'll face criminal charges if they come near me or my property.

"What in the world?" I stare out the window at the packed parking lot in front of my store, trying to process why so many people are crammed into the small lot. Is the coffee shop having a fire sale or something? And then I see the front of my store. "Callum," I whisper, my voice shaking. "What…?"

"People in town have been working all week, Firefly. Everyone pitched in. What insurance didn't cover, they donated. I'm still working on replacing some of the plants and flowers that were destroyed, but they're being shipped in from all over the world for you." He pulls into an empty spot near the front of the lot, turning to face me. "I know they won't replace the memories the ones you lost held, but they'll keep you in business."

"Callum." Tears well in my eyes as I gape between him and the townspeople repainting the front of the store. It's as if Silas never destroyed it. Every last trace of the destruction he left behind is gone, replaced by the people who live here. "You did all of this for me?"

"Didn't I tell you, Firefly? There isn't a single fucking thing on this earth I wouldn't do for you." He unlatches my seatbelt, pulling me across the console onto his lap. "You're my world, sweet Hope. Taking care of you is what I was put here to do." He tips my chin up, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "And I didn't do it alone. Everyone out there right now helped. Because you forgot something important about that water you sell."

"What did I forget?"

"It makes people fall in love," he whispers. "And everyone in this town has fallen in love with you just as hard as I did, Firefly. You aren't alone anymore."

I bury my face in his shoulder, sobbing.

"No crying, sweet Hope." He brushes his lips against my ear. "You still have to agree to be my wife and then go out there and thank everyone. We both know how much you hate to cry in public."

I lift my head on a gasp to find him grinning at me, my favorite crooked grin.

"Yeah, you heard me," he says, chuckling as he reaches into his pocket. "Marry me, Firefly. And before you answer, just know that you aren't allowed to say no. It's not an option."

"Says who?"

"Me." He pulls a ring out of his pocket, holding it out to me in the palm of his hand. Intricate Celtic knots surround the massive solitaire diamond on the platinum band. It's a beautiful ring. Way too fancy for a woman like me, but I'm not holding that against him. I'm not telling him no, either.

"Well, in that case," I say, sniffling. "I guess I'll let you know later."

He growls, grabbing my hand to slip the ring onto my finger. "The answer is yes, Firefly. You're marrying me."

"Okay," I agree, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. "I guess since you're being bossy about it, I'll give you what you want."

"See? Now you're learning." His lips touch mine, setting my soul on fire all over again.



Five Years Later

"I told you to be quiet, Firefly," I growl, biting Hope's lip when she moans my name a little too loud. "If the kids hear you, I'll have to stop what I'm doing to you."

"Don't you dare stop." She glares at me, dragging her nails down my back. "I will murder you, Callum."

"Then cover your mouth like a good girl and bounce on my cock like I fucking told you." I lift her up and drop her down, biting my tongue to keep from shouting her name into the dark. Fuck. She feels too good.

How is it possible that she gets even tighter every time I'm in her? It's a mystery I've been trying to solve for five years, and I still don't have an answer. She still drives me out of my mind every time I get inside her. And let's be honest, I'm inside her at every available opportunity. Even if I have to drag her into the dark laundry room while the kids watch a movie in the living room.

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