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“Hold onto me, Chloe! We’re nearly there! Get out of the way!” Hux roared, pushing a man aside.

Someone slammed against them and she found herself torn from Hux. The crowd pushed at her, trying to separate them.

“Hux!” she screamed.

Panic engulfed her. Where was he? What was going on? Hands pulled at her. Old memories threatened to trap her.

Then he appeared, his face filled with fury. A shiver raced through her and she was damn glad that she wasn’t the reason he was so angry. He looked worse for wear, but to her shock people were actually backing away from him. She leaped toward him and he lifted her into his arms, holding her against him with one arm under her ass. She put her arms and legs around him, clinging like a monkey.

“Just hold on, darlin’. I have you.”

He started moving just as she heard sirens in the background. Around them there was panic. People started to run away. Were they going to trample them?

“Hux!” someone roared and then a large body was next to them. “Give her to me.”

Hux tried to pass her over to whoever was there, but she held on tighter. She couldn’t let him go. He was her safety net.

“It’s all right, little darlin’. It’s Judd. Go to him. He’ll keep you safe.”

But Hux was keeping her safe. However, she let herself be passed over. Judd ended up settling her against one hip as they made their way into the building.

She didn’t know how they managed to make it inside in one piece. But the silence as they entered the air-conditioned building was almost deafening.

She was aware that she was shaking uncontrollably. She couldn’t stop. Her teeth were chattering, her heart racing so hard that she felt ill.

“Easy, girl,” Judd said quietly. “You’re all right. You’re safe. Shh. It’s okay. I have you.”

He kept moving until it got even quieter.

“You’re safe. You’re safe. No one is going to hurt you.”

His words finally started to filter into her mind. She forced herself to draw back, looking around. They appeared to be in some sort of meeting room. “Where’s Hux? What happened to Hux? Did you leave him outside? Is he hurt?”

“Whoa. Calm down.” Judd grasped hold of her chin, turning her to face him.

Suddenly, she became aware of her position. Judd was sitting on a chair and she was straddling him, her legs pushed wide over his thighs.

Holy heck.

This was an intimate position. But she didn’t have it in her to get off him. She was pretty certain that if she tried to stand, she’d collapse.

“Where is he?” she asked.

“He’s coming. I promise. He was just talking to the security guards and making a few calls. He’ll be here.”

She continued to tremble. It was hard to focus. Her eyes darted around, searching for danger.

“It’s all right. You’re safe.” His voice was firm, but his touch was gentle as he cupped her face. Shoot. Seemed she was getting more used to being touched because she didn’t even startle. Although, it could be because she was in shock. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

She wanted to believe him.

“That’s it. Just look at me. Breathe in. Now out. That’s a very good girl. You’re doing so well. That’s it. In. Out. Nice and slow.”

The door slammed open, making her scream and bury her face into Judd’s chest.

“Damn it, Hux. I just had her calming down.”

“Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Sorry.” There was a smacking sound. What was that? Was someone hitting Hux?

“Hux, stop!” Judd barked.

Shit. His change in tone had her freezing in shock.

Then she turned to find Hux leaning his hands against the wall, his head bent as he breathed deeply. She wasn’t sure what that sound had been, but she knew defeat when she saw it.

It was something she felt most days, only hers was hidden deep where no one could access it. She started trembling again.


When he didn’t answer, she whimpered.

“It’s all right,” Judd told her. “He’s a bit upset, but not at you.”

She knew that. Why would he be upset at her? But she needed him. However, when she tried to climb off Judd’s lap, he held her there.

“Hux!” she cried. “Let me go to him.”


She shook her head. She needed Hux. “Let me go. Please.” She knew that later she’d probably regret this huge display of emotion. But right now, she didn’t care about what she looked like, what anyone else thought, she just needed to know that Hux was okay.

“He’s not in a good way right now and I won’t allow you to get hurt.”

She gaped up at Judd. His jaw was firm. Stubborn.

What had Hux said, though? That he was a softie underneath? She took in a shuddering breath.

“He won’t hurt me. You know he won’t. Please, Judd.”

He moved his gaze to hers and she let her lip tremble. It wasn’t an act. She was upset. But normally she wouldn’t let it show.

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